What Is It Like to Be a MUNner

A Journal Of Knowledge podcast episode on Model UNs or MUNs and MUNning experience in the Kerala circuit and how it affected everyone positively

Jairam R Prabhu
MUNner’s Daily


Greetings to all listeners and readers!!

A MUN is not a mere non-academic activity happening in schools or colleges. It is a journey for many, while for others it's their life changer. Beyond the main MUN conference as such, there is a lot of things for a MUNner to take away from them and apply in one’s life. Here is an amazing surprise for all MUN enthusiasts.

A MUN has moved beyond the traditional space and has always been taken seriously as a passionate activity by many of the students. They are nicknamed as ‘MUNners’ in the circuits. A MUN is a simulated model of the United Nations and converted into a form that students can understand and comprehend well. Since March 2020, with the raging pandemic, gatherings have been cancelled across the globe, so have MUNs. Online MUNs are now substituting the traditional ones.

MUNs have always been the glitz and glamour of an institution. They have always added that tag to the MUN conferences. MEC is part of the Kerala MUN Circuit which is still an emerging circuit.

If you don’t know what a MUN is, then do check this out.



Jairam R Prabhu
MUNner’s Daily

Blogger|Podcaster|Student|Engineer|Content Writing. Writes on Science, Elections, Technology, Politics, International Relations|Runs Journal of Knowledge