Former UN Interns Internship Stories

Published in
3 min readAug 30, 2017

UN Internships are a big dream for most of us. However, many of the times we aren’t confident that it is ever going to come true. If we just try, though, it might. Here is what people just like us, who believed in themselves, and ultimately got to intern at the UN, had to say. Enjoy!

“At the beginning I thought it was impossible and that I can’t ever get in the UN. It definitely changed the way I look at my future because now I have a broader perspective of the work of the UN.”

“It’s definitely been an eye opening experience seeing how things change and things happen within the UN framework and how it is very important to keep an open mind to be able to work with different people with different perspectives and experiences and that’s, I think, one of the beauties of the UN.”

“I am working in the unit called Academic Impact which is trying to align UN values with universities. So I am taking care of Facebook, Twitter, some more communication tasks, and also special events from time to time.”

“Basically I work with different editors, with different producers to build up the show. We use Adobe Premiere and we sometimes do some animations and graphics with After Effects.”

“I am doing my internship in the News Service Section, so I am writing some news wire stories for the UN website and telling the world about the mission of the UN.”

“I was an intern here in 2010 for about six months which is quite a while, so I got really good range of experience and I got to be very familiar with the TV section, UN TV, and was given the opportunity to do quite a lot of things at that time that kept me very enthusiastic about working here.”

“The internship has definitely given me some confidence to go beyond whatever I thought was possible.”

“The friends that I’ve made, and all the people that I’ve met here are just going to be my lifelong friends and that sounds so cheesy because it is, but you meet so many different kinds of people and they come to shape so much of who you are and your experiences.”

And, they also offer some advice.

“My advice would be to focus on what you want to do, to establish where you want to be in the next three or five years, and try to develop the skills and contacts, and the knowledge required to attain that goal.”

“Seize any opportunity you have.”

“I want to say that future interns need not be afraid of language barriers.”

“It’s the United Nations, it’s a different kind of commitment so you should mentally prepare for the X amount of time you are going to be here.”

See the full video here!

Read also:

Turning Your MUN Experience Into Career

How To Be A UN Translator — Testimonial

For ‘Young Professionals,’ How to Land a Job at the UN




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