Developing A Global Data Availability Layer: The Vision Behind Muon

Connecting & Making Web3 Applications Scalable for a New Wave of Demand & Growth

Muon Zac
4 min readJun 12, 2022


From a price-feed prototype to a fully decentralized layer network, Muon’s prospects have grown significantly since its conception, but the values and ideas have been constant throughout. The core principles of connecting and scaling blockchain applications beyond current constraints remain steadfast in everything we do, from developing our low-constraint network, to our integrations with partners.

A Vision to Empower

Muon is empowering web3 through a myriad of solutions made possible by our network architecture. As an additional tech layer, Muon supports applications to scale their operations plus connect across multiple chains, with Muon acting as the go-between for data transit.

What makes Muon so important is that the services provided cannot be achieved directly on a blockchain (no matter how well scaled they may be). It is simply by design that blockchains themselves cannot scale effectively, due to their need to process network data universally for all activity on-chain. By working with Muon in symbiosis however, on-chain space can be freed up to allow greater computational load, meaning more complex ideas are made possible.

Also key to Muon’s value proposition is the connection between web2 & web3. Currently significant barriers exist to bring off-chain web applications on-chain (cost, speed, security etc), meaning most existing solutions simply aren’t compatible. With Muon, a huge market of adoption into web3 can be unlocked, helping pave the transition into a globally utilized web3 ecosystem.

The ultimate vision is for Muon to serve as a global data availability layer, as a go-between for the connection with users and on-chain activities creating a fast, secure and seamless experience. By doing this we can help fill the existing architectural gaps in the multi-chain world, and help further the adoption of web3.

Peeking into the Muon Network Core

The Muon network is a node network with a purpose of signing and verifying data requests that pass through the network. Muon node signatures are made compatible with every integrated blockchain, and it is the role of node owners to verify truthful data as well as contest false data.

Several key mechanisms assist in both the scalability and security of the network structure:

  • Subsequential consensus: Nodes provide collateral as insurance for the data that they’re signing off, allowing the consensus to come later
  • Threshold signatures: Customizable signature targets set by app developers, can be altered to optimize the trade-off between speed & security for any function
  • Cluster nodes: Hierarchical structure for decentralized nodes at scale, utilizing group accountability to ensure node compliance

More detail on these can be found in our Gitbook & Medium.

The core development team are working on a progressive roadmap structure that builds up the network to meet global demand. This way the Muon network is adequately prepared for the high demand we anticipate to come!

Supercharging Web3 via 3rd-Party Apps

The core business vision of Muon is providing superior technical solutions to partnering/integrating blockchain projects. By integrating Muon into app functions, partners have access to previously untapped possibilities, such as native cross-chain interoperability, data scalability, on-demand data requests and more.

It’s important to make partners feel at ease with integrating, and not feel overwhelmed with the task. This is why Muon is built to be a basic, low-constraint layer — allowing the complexity to lie in what partners build on top. Muon acts in essence as the supercharger to project developers and their ideas, allowing them to unlock potential that’s previously been unreachable (due to the constraints of blockchain technology).

Muon Network

Muon is a decentralized node network enabling applications to run on-chain, off-chain & cross-chain. Its technology allows for projects to build customizable web3 solutions that enable possibilities beyond the existing constraints of blockchain.

Learn about Muon here.

Join our Muon Community on Twitter, Telegram, Medium, and Discord.

