About Me

Reece Harty
Published in
3 min readJan 17, 2017

One quote that I greatly appreciate when thinking about writing about myself is by Ain Eineziz, who said, “sometimes I pretend to be normal. But it gets boring, so I go back to being me.” It cracks me up and really encompasses the importance of staying authentic and true to who you are as an individual. I was originally am from Atlanta, Georgia, and still consider myself a Southerner, even though my family and I have lived in Madison, Wisconsin a few years longer. However, it wasn’t until I moved to Wisconsin when I started to write more and learned about the power of words and communication. I’d say I feel comfortable and confident with writing, giving myself an 8 out of 10 on a scale, but it all depends on the topic and style of writing that I have to do. I sometimes use writing as a way to relax, such as journaling, or texting my mom. If I don’t feel like writing, I tend to exercise, read, or nap if I need to destress or relax. As one of my go-to-for-free-advice-givers, my mother is probably someone who I strive to be like because of her compassion and enthusiasum for helping and supporting others. Her loyalty is one that is unmatchable; like a dog to their owner, which is why I’d consider myself a dog lover and advocate or like a lion to their pride (which happens to the screensaver on my computer).

I’d also consider myself slightly food-focused — meaning I enjoy good food! While the classic american dishes are a staple to my college diet, I also love empanadas, sushi, and calamari thanks to many crazy adventures around the world. Instagram and Facebook, my top social media apps and the ones I go to first in the morning, help feed my travel obession and dream of new places to visit and explore. Part of traveling requires having the funds to do so, which is why I need to start thinking of careers that could foster my crazy (and potentially expensive) travel itnerary. While I’ve been to many places, like the Ushuaia (then end of the world!), Argentina, England, Italy, Morocco, and Portugal, I still have many other places that I’d to see. Maybe if I’m lucky I could be a writer!? Recently, my boss asked me if I had to give my autobiography a title (don’t worry it’s still in the works) what I would call it: Never a Dull Moment. It’s surely a phrase I use a lot and resonates with me based on a lot of my experiences. I think I should use it as a hashtag too! Part of my craziness is because I’m still unsure of what I want to be when I grow up, but I am considering a Professor or President of a university (or of the U.S.A — who knows).

I can be spotted wearing a variety of things such as Patagonia’s on Patagonia Thursdays, jeans, Nike running shoes for working out, and of course Birkenstocks all year round (but with Smartwools in the winter). I enjoy water skiing and training for marathons (though I still haven’t quite figured out why.) Feel free to follow me on Twitter (Reece Harty or @ReeceHarty) or on Instagram (@reeceharty)

If I had to give anyone advice, it’d be the advice my mom gave me for this semester: Not everyone is in the same place you are — which focuses on how important it is to get know others and their perspectives in order to not only learn about them, but also to learn more about yourself in the process!

