Free Write on Writing

Sebastian Becerra
Published in
2 min readJan 17, 2017

Writing provides an insight into peoples thoughts and ideas. In my opinion it is one of the easiest forms to express yourself in modern society. Although speaking is probably the easiest and most common way to communicate, writing is probably the second thing people think about when they think about communicating with others. Speaking is my favorite way to communicate with others but writing is second because of how easy it is. Putting words on paper has never been difficult for me, especially if I’m writing about something I’m passionate about. I think that’s what creates the best writing; when you write about something you’re passionate about. I definitely enjoy writing better when I’m writing about topics that I’m passionate about. For me, writing about sports, faith, or relationships would be better pieces because of my love for these three topics.

Further, what separates writing from speaking is that you can take all the time you want when you write (assuming you’re not working for a newspaper where you have deadlines to hit). But you have time to really think through your ideas and get a feel for how you want to communicate your message. In contrast, when you speak you don’t always have the time to fully sort through your thoughts to pick out what you’re going to communicate. It is often quick back and forth conversation that doesn’t allow for much processing until after the interaction. Now I’m referring to the most basic of two-way conversations where you are simply chatting with a friend about dinner plans. There are many more types of verbal communication that allow for more processing and time to think about what you’re going to say.

Writing is a beautiful tool to use when you want to share your mind with the world. It is simple. And all you need is a blog website like this one to share your thoughts. I really enjoy writing. I think it helps me think about things differently and sparks creative thinking. I also like to write differently than most people because I feel like way to often these days I see boring writing. I’m really excited to share my writing style in this course and look forward to improving my writing.

