Hectic life? Try nature.

Eleni Eisenhart
2 min readApr 29, 2017


Exploring Riverside Park on Earth Day.

This past semester has been a whirlwind of work, work and more work. While I enjoy school and all of the knowledge it offers, sometimes I feel weighed down by the pressure to succeed.

Many of us live busy lives where it seems like the only time we have to sit down and catch our breathe is late at night where we choose to binge watch Netflix… That is if we can stay up past 11 p.m.

Time and time again I have fallen into the rut of school, work, homework, sleep, repeat.

The one thing that has gotten me through this hectic semester has been taking a step back, putting down my schoolwork and venturing outside. Whether it’s a quick walk or bike ride down to the lake, or venturing out to Riverside Park, I am always filled with an immediate sense of relief.

The warm air, sunshine and growing plants have been the best fix to my spring semester slump. I feel refreshed, calm and ready to take on my next week, so long as I get my nature fix.

I thought living in a city like Milwaukee would limit my ability to get out and enjoy nature, but the opposite is true. Every week I find new areas of nature to explore in this urban city. It is always a treat to find a new nature spot to sit, explore and bask in the sun.

In this day and age, unplugging from our social lives seems nearly impossible. Getting out in nature has forced me to unplug and enjoy my surroundings, even if only for an hour or two.

When I feel overwhelmed with school, work and my future, I take the time to step out of the “Marquette Bubble” and go explore. What’s even better is that spending time in nature has proven to help center your mind and calm you down.

If you are ever feeling overwhelmed with your life, go out and reset in the beautiful, calming nature that surrounds us. You might just find your problems drifting away with the steady stream of the river.

