How Instagram Stories are a Game Changer

Leigh McGuirk
Published in
2 min readFeb 9, 2017

On Aug. 2 Instagram officially launched what they call Instagram Story. The launch was controversial because it reminded many of their users of the popular app Snapchat. Instagram Story allows you to snap a picture, video, Boomerang or even live stream. The feature includes different filters for photos, stickers, pen writing and even a location tag.

I think Instagram Story is more professional than Snapchat is perceived. When thinking of Snapchat, I see it as a platform to use when goofing around with friends or sharing something that is essentially pointless. Compared to Instagram Story, where I see it as a way for a company to do quick demos or promote a product with minimal effort that looks modern. Business are taking over Instagram Story to create a deeper relationship with their audience, here are just a few examples.

Organizations are using Instagram’s new feature by doing a variety of things with it. Whole Foods does little videos on new recipes to try, coupons that are currently available, or even new things that they have in store. Whole Foods is using Instagram Story to their advantage by showing people what they could get and how amazing their grocery store is. Let’s just say Whole Foods is killing it on Instagram.

Sports outlets are utilizing the new feature as well. They may not be making quick videos, but instead they are creating images and implanting them on the story feature to break news. ESPN might use Instagram Story to show their followers the injury report in the NFL for that week or Sport Illustrated can live stream from the World Series. This allows sports junkies to get their news quick and easily, without ever having to leave Instagram.

Potential uses for Instagram Story is that companies are now more easily able to engage with their audience. It also allows them to look organic and seem more open. Instagram Stories are supposed to look homemade and quickly put together, compared to a press release that need to be perfect and had lots of time poured into it. Instagram Story gives companies the potential to look like a peer versus a stuffy corporation.

