It’s been a while

Gee Ekachai
Published in
Jul 16, 2021

Yes, it’s been a while since I posted on this class site because I had not taught this class for a while. It’s funny though that I am teaching this PURE 3600 (Public Relations Writing) again this summer for the last time before retiring at the end of 2021!

I have 16 students enrolled for the summer session, and having read their self introduction blog posts, I have a feeling that this is going to be a great group of students — a wonderful send-off for my 21-year teaching career at Marquette University!

Here is the weekly assignments and due dates for this summer.



Gee Ekachai

PR educator who tries to keep up with social media. My writing does not reflect views or mission of Marquette University, where I teach. @geeber on instagram.