New school year, here we go again

Gee Ekachai
Published in
1 min readAug 20, 2018

Here’s a glimpse of my PURE 3600 syllabus. I am adding a few wrinkles too on assignments.

And some fun questions that help students get acquainted on first day of class.

How does this class fit into your major?

What do you plan to do after graduation?

What is your very favorite meal?

Which restaurant is your favorite?

List one hobby.

If you have a completely free Saturday afternoon, how would you like to spend it?

If I gave you $5,000 to spend on a trip, where would you go?

What have teachers and professors done in the past that helped you to learn? what a teacher did that didn’t help you learn?
How many hours do you study outside of class? Where and how do you study? (by yourself, in groups, etc.)

What else do you want me to know about you?



Gee Ekachai

PR educator who tries to keep up with social media. My writing does not reflect views or mission of Marquette University, where I teach. @geeber on instagram.