Josh Duggar & Ghislaine Maxwell: 2 Different Worlds, Yet One And The Same

Christina Aliperti
The Good Wives’ Network
6 min readJan 1, 2022

As we begin this new year, I wanted to take some time to talk about a couple of major cases that came to an end in December 2021. These were cases that pertain to the abuse of children. Of all the cases we follow and cover, these are the ones that cut the deepest.

The depravity and horror of these crimes are almost unbearable for most people to even hear about, but we continue to follow in the hopes of seeing some kind of justice for the victims. It’s not always the justice we want or expect, but in a system where the mentally ill and those that are addicted to drugs are treated more like criminals than rapists and child molesters, small victories are still victories. In December 2021, we witnessed 2 of these small victories.

On December 9th, 2021, Josh Duggar, former reality TV “star”, was convicted of 2 counts of receiving and possessing child pornography. (While child pornography is still the technical term, pornography is made by consenting adults. Anything else is sexual abuse, assault, and rape. The term that should be used for what Duggar was downloading and viewing is child sexual assault materials.)

As a teenager, Josh Duggar, now 33, had molested 4 of his sisters and another young girl. The youngest sister that Josh molested was just 5 years old and he was 15 at the time. Instead of taking steps to get Joshua and his victims the appropriate treatment that they needed, parents Jim Bob and Michelle, protected their golden child, Josh, while his sisters were basically forced to forgive him and continue to live under the same roof with him.

Years after the molestations, Josh Duggar allegedly assaulted a sex worker, Danica Dillon, and attempted to cheat on his wife Anna, by paying for a membership to the Ashley Madison website, which was created for married people that are looking to cheat on their spouses.

Josh Duggar’s sexually deviant behavior culminated in November 2019, when Homeland Security agents raided his used car dealership. When the news of the raid broke, the Duggars released a statement, calling it “fake news” and denying that any member of their family was under any type of investigation.

The reason for the raid? Joshua “Sex Pest” Duggar had used his work computer to download videos and pictures of child sexual abuse. From trial coverage, we learned that Duggar had videos on his computer that are considered by law enforcement to be among the worst of the worst child sexual assault materials out there.

This disgusting pedophile watched videos of toddlers and little girls being raped and assaulted, while he was at work. Then he went home to his wife Anna and his 6 (now 7) children. The older kids are now 12, 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, and the newest baby girl was born on October 23rd, 2021. As I type this, my stomach is in knots and I feel like I’m going to be sick.

Duggar pleaded not guilty and took this case to trial, despite the super high conviction rate in federal court. In 2018, U.S. Attorneys filed 79,704 cases. There were convictions in 79,384 of those cases. I wasn’t surprised at all that Josh Duggar thought he could beat this. The Duggars have always exuded a sense of moral and general superiority over others and it seems they spent extra time instilling this in their 1st born.

Duggar applied for conjugal visits for the months that he is awaiting sentencing and was thankfully denied and once he’s in federal prison there are no conjugal visits at all. The fact that his wife Anna is willing to still be with and sleep with this sicko, instead of immediately cutting ties with him is sickening but also not at all surprising. I hope as time goes by she realizes her true blessing is him going to prison and finds it in herself to put her children before her husband and his family.

In a few months, Duggar will be sentenced to up to 20 years in federal prison. I hope he’s given the max, but I highly doubt that will happen. While this is just a small victory in the bigger picture, I can’t lie, it feels good to know that the smuggest Duggar will be spending at least a few years in prison for some of his many crimes. I hope that he is miserable every single day.

For the 2nd small victory, we have the Ghislaine Maxwell verdict. On December 30th, 2021, the 60-year-old former socialite and girlfriend of Jeffrey Epstein, was found guilty on 5 of 6 charges of sex trafficking a minor and transporting a minor for criminal sexual activity. For over a decade she groomed and recruited young girls for her boyfriend, the now-dead Jeffrey Epstein to sexually abuse and rape. It’s alleged that she participated in some of the actual abuse as well.

Epstein was in custody in a Manhattan jail when he died on August 10th, 2019. His death was ruled a suicide by the Medical Examiner, but many people believe he was killed to prevent him from exposing others. Regardless of how he died, he was never tried for his crimes against children.

Maxwell, like Duggar, pleaded not guilty to her charges. Her defense was that she had become a scapegoat for the case since Epstein was dead. Ghislaine Maxwell’s lead defense attorney said at trial “Ever since Adam and Eve, women have been blamed for crimes committed by men.” Now, I’m not saying that statement is 100% false, but in my opinion, it is 100% false in this case. While Epstein should be alive to face the consequences of his crimes, he isn’t. That doesn’t absolve Maxwell of her sick, twisted behavior.

What kind of woman preys on young girls, gains their trust and admiration, and then serves them up on a silver platter for her despicable pedophile boyfriend and his pedophile friends to rape and abuse them, destroying their lives? Ghislaine Maxwell is looking at up to 65 years in prison for her crimes against children and rightfully so. She deserves to spend the rest of her life in prison for her crimes.

There’s been a lot of talk about the flight logs for Epstein’s private jet and many are calling the people who have traveled on that plane, pedophiles. Epstein and Maxwell were a part of high society and of course in that circle, they would meet and become friends with other rich people, celebrities, politicians, and socialites. Is every single person that traveled on that jet a pedophile? Of course not. Is anyone that traveled on that jet a pedophile? Probably.

Nobody should be above the law, no matter who they are or how much money they have. Period. Everyone who flew on that jet should be thoroughly investigated and questioned. There should be no room for any child predator to fall through the cracks. That includes former Presidents Clinton and Trump, Prince Andrew, Kevin Spacey, Naomi Campbell, Alan Dershowitz, Bill Gates, and every other person to ever step foot on Epstein’s private jet or his island.

People may be able to find a loophole or buy themselves out of trouble with not paying their taxes but there should be no loopholes and there shouldn’t be enough money in the world to get away with raping, abusing, or looking at materials that show depictions of these things being done to children.

Ghislaine Maxwell may have thought she was above the law because she was rich and therefore better than other people. Josh Duggar may have thought he was above the law because he pretended to be a God-fearing Christian while he was on TV. I guarantee that each of them would have looked down on the other and their lifestyles. The ironic thing is that behind closed doors, they are exactly the same. Both are disgusting, manipulating, dangerous abusers of children and they both need to pay the price, although it will never be enough.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on these cases so please share with me in the comment section below. As always, for more true crime, visit us on Youtube at Murder By Design and all of us at Mad Ginger Entertainment wish you a Happy and Healthy New Year!

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