Who Killed JonBenét Ramsey?

Christina Aliperti
The Good Wives’ Network
5 min readJan 19, 2021

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Yesterday, Fancy talked about the murder of JonBenét Ramsey and the recent television special about the case during her True Crime Tidbit. If you missed it, be sure to check it out and enter our trivia contest! Today, I’m going to talk a little bit about my thoughts on the case. I love hearing what you have to say about the cases we cover and I can’t wait to hear your opinions on the JonBenét Ramsey case.

The unsolved murder of JonBenét Ramsey has always been a hot topic through the years. The 6-year-old pageant beauty was found dead on December 26, 1996, in a basement room of her home, sexually assaulted, with an 8-inch skull fracture and a garrote around her neck.

Her mother Patsy had called the police earlier that morning after she claimed to have found a 3-page ransom note that was left on the stairs in the house. A ransom note that would be found to have been written on stationery from the Ramsey’s home with a Sharpie pen also from the Ramsey’s home. The writing would later be deemed by an expert to be very similar to Patsy’s handwriting. The paintbrush that was used to sexually assault JonBenét as well as make the garrote came from Patsy’s art supplies. The Ramsey’s didn’t really cooperate with the police afterward but they did do a TV interview with CNN.

The people who follow this case are usually divided into 2 sides; you have the people that believe a family member inside the home killed JonBenét Ramsey, either her mother Patsy, father John, or 9-year-old brother Burke, and on the other side you have the people who believe that an intruder killed her. I personally believe it was a family member.

The 3-page ransom letter is one of the big things for me. Who the hell breaks in and kills a child inside their home and then stays in the home to write a long ass ransom note? The only answer that makes sense to me is that it wasn’t someone who got in the house and had an urgency to leave. It was someone that lived in the house and had no reason to fear getting caught while writing the note. Someone like Patsy Ramsey.

Through the years there has been speculation that John Ramsey was sexually abusing JonBenét and accidentally killed her. I don’t know any reason people would think that other than talk of JonBenét still wetting her bed and that being a possible sign that she was being sexually abused. That never sat right with me and it still doesn’t. I could be wrong but I don’t think that was the case.

But, there are 2 theories that I’ve always been stuck on, that make the most sense to me. Either of them is possible in my mind and that’s why it’s hard for me to go with one over the other. I know some people are sure that their theory is the right one but I’m still torn between the two. If you want to check out one of those theories from one of the professionals we’ll be bringing on when we discuss this case in March check out Paula Woodward’s book, We Have Your Daughter: The Unsolved Murder of JonBenét Ramsey Twenty Years Later

The first one has Patsy as the killer. JonBenét apparently was having some issues with wetting the bed during the night. In the PDI (Patsy Did It) scenario, JonBenét wet her bed in the middle of the night and Patsy flipped her shit. She hit her in the head with something, causing the skull fracture. Then, Patsy snapped out of her rage and realized that she hurt JonBenét badly. She woke John and together they came up with a plan to cover up Patsy’s crime and make it look like someone else had come into their home and killed JonBenét.

The other theory is BDI (Burke Did It) and this theory involves the pineapple that was in a bowl next to a glass of sweet tea on the kitchen table in the Ramsey home when the police arrived. This scenario has Burke and JonBenét awake after their parents went to sleep. Burke made himself a snack of pineapple in milk or cream and a glass of sweet tea. JonBenét ate some of Burke’s pineapple and he got mad. He grabbed the flashlight that was found on the kitchen counter that morning and hit his sister in the head with it. JonBenét was knocked unconscious and Burke woke his parents, scared because he thought he killed his sister. Patsy and John concocted a plan to solve the problem and protect Burke so that they wouldn’t lose both of their kids.

Either of these theories is hard to stomach because, in both, JonBenét is hit in the head first, with the rest of what happened being part of a cover up. If either is true, then that means that her parents were willing to assault her sexually as well as kill her to do it. We know that her cause of death was strangulation by the garrote, not the skull fracture. That thought alone makes me wish to be wrong, pray that there was some intruder that got away, because who wants to believe that parents can do something like that. Unfortunately, we see every day that some parents can and will do horrific things to their children.

Who do you think killed JonBenét Ramsey? I would love to hear your theories on this case so please feel free to share in the comments. Don’t forget to tune into our Crime of the Month for March to hear our thoughts and feeling on the case. If there are any cases that you would like us to cover, reach out and let us know, we’re always open to suggestions. As always, to get a taste of everything we have on our plate and dish more true crime with The Good Wives & Murder By Design, like us on Facebook at By Proxy and visit our website, Mad Ginger Entertainment.

Originally published at http://madgingerentertainment.com.

