Murder in Rome Book I

Edge of The Empire: Chapters Ⅰ ⇛Ⅱ

A gripping serialized novel of Roman adventure: Chapters Ⅰ ⇛Ⅱ

J.A. Becker
Murder in Rome
Published in
5 min readMay 21, 2020


Image by Dejan Krivokapic from Pixabay

“Let all the poison that lurks in the mud, hatch out.” — Robert Graves

Chapter Ⅰ

44 A.D.

Cold, brutal winds poured from the frosted heavens and pummeled the city of Augusta Vindelicorum.

Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

The gust’s frenzied fingers pried at the law court’s red brick roof tiles, dug a handful free and heaved them into the tumultuous sky. Doors shook as though kicked by some unseen force, cowering the plebs inside. Invisible sirens howled down the amphitheater’s stone steps and broke with anguished shrieks against the stage’s stone back wall. And flurries of icy arrows burst against the palace’s high stone walls.

Now even the gods are against us! Thought Cassius. What chance do we have in this madness?

Shivering to the marrow of his bones, Cassius wrapped his thick bear cape about his stout shoulders and slammed the palace window shutters closed.



J.A. Becker
Murder in Rome

Father. Writer. Coder. Product Manager. Just enough to be dangerous.