Murderers are Human Beings, too

Chris Thompson
Murderers are Human Beings, too
11 min readNov 19, 2018


Part 1

I don’t understand why “normal” people (who’ve never Done Time or met any real criminals) find murderers so interesting.

But hey, the interest is there, so I’ll write a blog about it.

As a murderer myself, who grew up (from the age of 18 onwards) with other murderers, I don’t find murderers particularly interesting. During the 22 years I spent in jail, other murderers became my best friends, my brothers, my family. To me, murderers are normal… except that I have a feeling of kinship with them that I will never have with any non-murderer, because only a murderer will ever truly understand what it’s like to be a murderer.

But that doesn’t mean the rest of you (non-murderers) can’t try to understand murderers; or that I can’t try to explain it to you. Indeed, the goal of his blog series is to help you understand that murderers are human beings, too. We’re not just monsters, serial killers and psychopaths… the vast majority of us are nothing like that.

A murderer friend of mine once told me that there’s an understanding between murderers… that two of us can sit across a table from one another, with a knife in the middle of the table, and we both know that neither of us will pick up the knife and attack the other with it.



Chris Thompson
Murderers are Human Beings, too

I've been a huge fan of sci-fi my whole life, but recently, I've come to realise that we live in a stranger universe than anything anyone's ever dreamed up.