The Groundhog Wanderings. 18–07–2024.

Murmuring & Meanderings
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2 min read1 day ago

“Just Stop Oil protesters jailed after M25 blocked”

One person was jailed for five years while four other sent down for four years.

I have one word; good.

These twats (cause that’s what they are) have caused all sort of problems. They are the very definition of fanatics. The blocking of roads and idiotic attempted vandalism of paintings and ancient stones like Stonehenge are exemplars of stupid.

Covering the Mona Lisa in tomato soup was meant to stop Europe and the world stop using oil? How? In what delusional universe do these clown exist?

It’s the same thing with the idea of Net Zero. Great. Terrific. Here’s the probem with the idea; it has to be done together. It cannot be done as an individual thing. Imagine a street. Where every house and garden is run down and overgrown and is a mess. Now if one house gets renovated and it’s garden is cultivated, does that make the whole street tidy? Of course it doesn’t. Especially if two of those house are engaging on a war with each other while another couple are burning their rubbish in the back yards. The street still looks like and smells like a shithole.

But here’s the thing about the painting protests. They know exactly what they are doing and how much damage they are willing to do. That’s why they throw soup. It can be cleaned off. They know if they damage the paintings that becomes criminal damage and that means prison time. And we are talking older people who are more middle class. The idea of jail is not good for these people. They are not natural villains.

The real fanatics of the cause are left to the road protests. That’s where the truth damage comes. They are messing up people lives. They see themselves along the lines of modern Suffragettes. Willing to do what’s needed for the cause. Just not seen any of them willing to jump in front of a horse yet…

The truth is quite simple. We should have been making changes 20 years ago. We didn’t. The planet will finally get pissed off with us and organise an extinction event that can kill us off. The the experiment will restart…

Maybe the next species will get it right. The cynic in me says to doubt it.

In the meantime, that five less idiots on the streets for a few years…

But in the chaos of the fall of man there is always hope…

