The Groundhog Wanderings. 19–07–2024.

Murmuring & Meanderings
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3 min read3 hours ago

A recommendation.

The wonderful Vicious on Netflix. Originally on UK ITV this sitcom stars two of the best actors in the business, Sirs (cause that what they are now) Ian McKellen and Derek Jacobi as — and I am putting this as blunt as they’re characters are — a pair of old queens who have been living together for getting on for 50 years.

It ran for two series and is shining display of actors relishing a script that is dripping in venomous lines. The comments that pass from their lips are just joyous in the viciousness of the title. And McKellen and Jacobi are having huge fun camping this up as well as not leaving a single bit of the scenery unchewed. With a great supporting cast (special mention to Francis De Le Tour as an ‘older’ female friend who still professes to an active life in the bedroom) this comedy is a joy to watch, just for some great actors letting go and not taking prisoners…

Now a moan.

You have a movie series that has been nothing less than a blisteringly brilliant take on action scenes. It’s reminded the world how good Keanu Reeves is and finished with four glorious high octane and highly original action led stories. It gave the world a whole new hero who was practically unkillable and existed in a shadowy world of assassins.

John Wick is nothing less than classic. The four moves make up a beginning, middle and ending that should be left alone. But there are always ways to find a spin-off. There are levels to this world that can still be explored.

The movie is called Ballerina. Starring Ana De Armas who can do action very, very well — she did steal the last Bond movie with a stunning 15 minutes of balletic fight scenes. It set around the ballerina school of the John Wick universe. And it’s unwatchable apparently. According to reports there hasn’t been reshoots but NEWshoots. With new and old characters put in to fix things. Even the creator/director of original movies was sent in oversee things and it still is meant to be a mess.

Then you find out the director that they picked to make this. Len Wiseman.

Yup, the man who gave us the Underworld movies and Total Recall. Not the great, colourful and violent Arnie one, the other one. With the irish actor. And the drab design. And was crap. You know, the one that was put out on DVD extolling how it was the THEATRICAL CUT!

John Woo on a bad day, he is not…

