The Groundhog Wanderings. 25–07–2024.

Murmuring & Meanderings
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I wonder what this would be worth on eBay today….?

(if you know, you know…)

I miss the days of kookie merchandise like these…

The weird and wacky or just slap a label on it…

I must have missed that episode where Spock wears his Space Fun Helmet.

Once upon a time, when a certain kind of movie was released, you would have ‘toys’. Like this.

This was in the 1960s. Those Bond figures had one audience — children. There was no adult toy collector base back then. There was even a load of outfits you could buy for Mr Bond’s wardrobe a’la GI Joe or Action Man if you’re on my side of the Atlantic.

How come you don’t get these these today? Have you ever seen the Hot Toys catalogue? Those figures are bloody impressive in quality and, it has to be said, in price as well.

Just imagine a run of Bond figures from Connery to Craig. All the Ms’ from Bernard Lee to Ralph Fiennes (seriously, a Judy Dench figure, come on…) and then there are the villains, the Blofelds the Drax’s the Oddjobs and ,of course, how could you have a villains line without Jaws. That would be like doing a Six Million Dollar Man revival without Bigfoot. If you get that you are that ancient, congratulations….

