Musanga Logistics
3 min readFeb 11, 2020


Employee Spotlight is a series meant to surface stories of the amazing individuals behind our organization. This month, meet Mwenda, our Customer Service Lead. Mweenda has been with us for about two and a half years now and is based at our office in Lusaka.

What’s your role at Musanga?

I am a customer service lead. I am typically the first line of communication for those who have questions or queries about Musanga. Essentially, I oversee all incoming inquiries and offer support for users and partners of our platform. These inquiries can be submitted from our current clients,potential as well as fellow employees from around the country — it’s my job to prioritize them according to urgency, escalate when necessary, and oversee the quick and effective resolution of any problems or issues.

What have you liked about working with Musanga so far?

It’s certainly never boring! There’s always new challenges and interesting problems to work on. Between ensuring high-quality solutions are met in a timely matter, assisting with deep diving into analytics requests, providing feedback to the Tech team based on customer feedback it definitely keeps you on your toes.

What do you think makes you most effective as a customer service Lead?

At my previous job, I worked with Customers around the clock. I believe the combination of my background in enterprise customer management, as well as the knowledge and value I have come to possess while working with Musanga, has been of great significance to my role here. It’s granted me a clear understanding of how to quickly identify a customer’s needs and shine a light on the path they’ll need to take.

What do you find most challenging about your job?

Probably, finding solutions for difficult problems. One challenging aspect is accepting the fact that all our orders can’t be fulfilled because we have a huge influx of orders coming through our platform everyday and even with available drivers there is a working capital gap that needs to be bridged.

What do you find most unique about Musanga’s tech when it comes to educating customers on how to use it most effectively?

I love how our tech team has found way to make the application flexible — the fact that our platform is an easy and simple tool to work with is really unique. This is because the platform works to meet the needs of each individual customer. It’s kind of crazy, even with such a robust platform, customers will always have their own specifications or requirements. Our application provides clients with prices for any locations in the southern region of African before booking a truck and on the other hand drivers receive notifications immediately a request is made by the client, this reduces lead time and improves efficiency.

What are your hobbies outside of Musanga?

Anyone who knows me can confidently say I am an avid cyclist and I occasionally love to cook.

What’s your next step, or a few goals you’d like to accomplish in life?

I would love to be more hands-on with the running of the family farm business, but most of all I would love to own a media and production studio one day.

If you want to learn more about Mwenda or ask him any questions about musanga, connect with him on Linkedin!

