4 Years and 200+ Stories Later

Every writing journey always starts with one small step. Make yours count.

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We are not here to see through one another, but to see one another through.
~ Anne Lamott

My adventure as a Medium writer started with one little not-so-sure step. Four years later, I penned my 200th story. That anniversary came up last April.

Here is an unexhaustive list of some lessons, I’ve learned while on this trip.

1. Consistency is key.

Consistency is key. But this could be one of the toughest writing disciplines for new writers.

The journey of becoming a writer lasts a lifetime. The secret to staying in the race lies in maintaining consistency, as it's more of a marathon than a sprint.

Writer's block can be likened to quicksand, especially for new writers struggling with inconsistency. Me 2. As you write more frequently, your confidence grows and your writing becomes more solid. Solidly.

No matter how long you’ve been crafting your writing art, very few writers (if any) ever come to the place of β€œsettlement” or β€œhaving permanently…

