A Simple Guide for Choosing Books You'll Love to Read

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In The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772–1834) famously quipped,

Water, water everywhere, nor any drop to drink

Everyone recognizes the significance of this, as it is possible to be surrounded by something valuable without receiving any benefit from it.

When the time comes to choose what book to read next, book lovers can connect with Coleridge's rhyme, often misquoted as 'water, water everywhere and not a drop to drink,'


Stumped by an overabundance of choices, even avid readers often need help to choose their next read.

I love books. Good books.

Throughout my pre-teen and early teen years, it seemed like I never could get hold of enough books. If you had come to my hidden town in rural Nigeria during the early 1970s, I would have shown you.

Now, not anymore.

These days, no matter how many books I read every month, I have access to more than enough books to last me several lifetimes. Similarly, many book lovers face…

