Good Followership As Imperative for Outstanding Leadership

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Nigerians seem to have a penchant for trying to achieve the impossible. Nowhere is this more glaring than in the realm of politics, leadership, and our quest to build a stronger nation,

Is it possible to have good leadership without good followers?

Recently, I had an experience that underscores that question and its answers.

As the one responsible for maintaining records, I promptly notified him when I noticed he had exceeded (by roughly N5,000). If I hadn't informed him that he paid too much, he wouldn't have noticed his mistake.

β€œWhen am I getting back my excess money?”

Wait, as soon as the accounts are done, I’ll send you your balance. But not now. Otherwise, I could be stuck repaying a debt that I don't actually owe.

This evening, he WhatsApped me again.

β€œWhen are you refunding my excess pay?”

I ignored him (for now).

