How I Use Bio Links on Medium

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According to Susan Laborde writing on TechReport, 1.38 million articles were published per month on Medium as at December 2023. J.J. Pryor’s article also gave an overview of the volume of articles published by Medium every month.

This translates to 46,000 stories per day, 1, 916 stories per hour, and 32 stories per minute. If you actively read or write on Medium, your stories and comments are most likely part of those millions.

This means that even the most voracious reader is overwhelmed with hundreds of more articles by the time he finishes reading this.

And yet, more and more stories are still flooding in.

As a reader, what strategies do you use to manage this overwhelming influx of online articles that are constantly calling for your attention?

Easy. You narrow down your interests to specific topics and writers.

On average, I read at least 10 stories on Medium per day. That is, in addition to my other reading sources.

In contrast, my weekly article submissions to Medium pale out at an average of less than…

