Pieces of My Life Time

Photo by Christopher Akinlade on Unsplash

Whenever I asked my young man to swap our wristwatches in the past few months and years, he would have raced away, actively replying, "No way. I don't like yours."

This morning, desiring to assess his appreciation of value, I repeated my old plea, "Son, take mine, and I take yours." He immediately agreed to my request, which differed from his previous responses.



And a growing sense of the value of things. Perhaps.

Wow, my grandson has become (is becoming) a man.

After wearing the black watch for a few minutes, he remarked to himself, β€œI don’t even understand how to use this thing.”

Together with his sister, we did the half-kilometer trek to their school. Along the way, the young lady repeatedly cautioned her brother, "Make sure it did not slip out of your wrist o." It didn't.

Arriving at his school, we unswapped our timepieces. 🀣

The black watch is about twice his age.

I am blessed.

What more can I ask for?

Key Message:

When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I…

