Team Up and Let’s Grow Up

β€œIf you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go further, go together.”

Three racing cyclists
Photo by paolo candelo on Unsplash

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go further, go together.

~ African Proverb.

A hearty welcome and thanks for being here.

Muse2Muse is a diverse group of brave new writers.

Our Goal

Sharing our best to help people lead more fruitful lives.

Applying excellence = miracles of better humans & society.

Read our guidelines and follow the links to submit your work.

We Look for and prefer to publish the following.

  • Delve into book insights and reviews, with actionable lessons from what we've read or written.
  • Exploring the connections between technology, personal growth and development, life, leadership and society.
  • High quality writing is what makes Medium tick. Muse2Muse is not , but aims to stick to that Medium tradition of excellence.
  • Make sure your writing is well-formatted and of the…

