Then and Now — A Revisit of Recent Great Reads #3

Another round-up of timeless reads from Muse2Muse editors.

Photo by Ismail Salad Osman Hajji dirir on Unsplash
  1. Last April marked my 200th story on Medium. This story commemorates my journey — so far.

2. I published this book review shortly after becoming a Medium pro. 17 Leadership Lessons from The Edge. Both then and now, what matters most is what you’re doing right now.

Because what matters most is what you’re doing right

3. Derek Hughes writes on how eliminating abstract concepts can improve our writing.

4. The Art of the Em Dash and the Gradation of Sentence Breaks. Ben Ulansey

5. Dr Mehmet Yildiz shared Five Tips to Become a Prolific Writer Despite Full-Time Work.

6. Tessa Schlesinger — Born and bred in Africa. writes on the anti-American Americans.

7. Lester Golden shines some not-often-seen light on the Hamas versus Israeli war.

8. Boateng Sekyere writes on how you can upscale your confidence and write more and better.

9. I can’t agree more with Tim Denning. Being rich is a feeling. Read his Get Rich and Drive a Camry and enrich yourself with contentment.

10. Jason Bolzano writes From Iron Dome to Empty Shelves: How Ukraine’s Defense Struggle Exposes Western Priorities


