Call for Submissions — Muse Me

A magazine celebrating the sacredness of creativity

Ida Eira Johannesen
Muse Me


Picture by Ida Kristiansen Balle

About Muse Me

Muse Me celebrates creativity as a profound and sacred process, and is a platform for personal accounts of creative passion, intimate meetings with artistic expressions, explorations of the creative journey and deep dives into the subconscious realms. Muse Me will be launched in July 2021 — and I’m hereby inviting your contribution!

We Are Looking For

  • Journeys through your creative processes: Articles inviting us into the core of your creative process, and that inspires us to create ourselves. If you like to add pictures documenting yourself as you go along, even better!
  • Meta-explorations of the art of being creative: Articles exploring the mechanics, challenges and skills related to manifesting a creative idea.
  • Personal accounts of creative blessings: Stories of what being creative means to you, or of the role of creativity in your life. For me, creativity and community has always been deeply connected. Through my creativity, I connect to something greater than myself. In being creative, I feel I have purpose. I love to hear your story.
  • Meetings with our collective art heritage: Essays exploring your relationship with…



Ida Eira Johannesen
Muse Me

Personal development and spiritual pitfalls. I’m a performing artist and tea ceremonialist, with background from the tantric field.