Hey God, May I Employ My Reproductive Urge into Creative Projects Instead?

Exploring an expanded approach to baby-making

Ida Eira Johannesen
Muse Me


Me observing the world from a tree, through the lens of Ida Kristiansen Balle

I’m turning 38 next week, and these last days it was as the depth of a situation of mine suddenly surfaced with significant power: I might not have children.

I don’t even know if I want children. Maybe; if my divine partner appears and is keen on babies, and if the practicals are at least a little bit in support of a child in my life — I will consider it. But right now I’m single, renting a pretty shabby apartment and building my life up from scratch by establishing my work as a freelance artist and coach. I work around the clock, forget to do the dishes, and I just hit that magical point where my monthly income covers my monthly expenses.

I many ways, I love how my life is unfolding at this moment. I’m finally doing what I should have done 20 years ago: I’m building a life for myself that it makes sense to me to explore. I’ve taken on a quest to reorganize my life in favor of my highest choice, and I’m enjoying the sense of empowerment — and grace! — coming with the opportunity of pushing `restart` on life coming close to 40.

But there is a sacrifice coming with that restart, and it’s a great one: I might pass on my opportunity for having children.



Ida Eira Johannesen
Muse Me

Personal development and spiritual pitfalls. I’m a performing artist and tea ceremonialist, with background from the tantric field.