What Role Does Music Play In The Creative Process?

What space does it occupy in your life?

Muse Me
5 min readAug 22, 2021


Photo by Kevin McCutcheon on Unsplash

This is as much a prompt as it is my own personal account of the impact music has on me and my own creativity.

Music in my universe

When it comes to dance, I almost always have music playing in the background. You might take this as a given, but I’m sure I’m not the only one who can dance to the beat of their own drum! I’ve had moments out in the woods when I’ve danced as if there was some inaudible music emanating from deep within my soul. I remember this moment so vividly. I had previously been swimming in the lake, already feeling amazing, when I decided to stop by a forest trail on my way home. I walked for a few minutes until I found a place I could dance. There I was, in my own company, dancing with the birds and the trees as my audience! The birds provided the music, of course…

Music & Writing

When I write, I don’t always have music playing in the background. It all depends on my mood. Most of the time, I find that I have more clarity when my surroundings are quiet. My thoughts flow easily. Music, though much loved by me, can be a distraction to the creative process. I find that even instrumental music can disrupt my thought process. There’s really something about being in silence that helps uncover — or recover — our voice and magic in the deep crevices of our soul.

That being said, music still has a role to play in my life and in my creative world. Since creativity is linked to doing more of what one enjoys, I find music to be very much connected to my creative unfolding. It might not be directly linked to my creative expression, at least not when writing, but it is the spice to my creative soul-food.

How so?… you might be wondering…

Well, when I’m having a ‘down’ day, I usually use music to help elevate my mood. When I feel good, I can then use this spark of positive energy to fuel the rest of my tasks or creative projects. Maybe I’ll even get an idea of something to write while listening to music. For me personally, I may not intentionally choose to listen to music before writing something, but I just follow my intuition. It’s most likely that the days where I really feel like playing music, are the days where my creative self needs it the most. That usually ends up being combined with dance. Then, before I know it, I’m imbued with even more ideas. One fuels the other.

I guess it’s not strange that some ideas might surface whilst listening to music. Music has the power to invoke certain emotions and memories from our souls; memories and experiences that might have long been forgotten. With that in mind, it becomes a wonderful companion to have that enhances ones writing, for example. I’ve had experiences where I’d listen to a song that would take me back to my childhood. Embedded in that is a wealth of information and experiences waiting to be expressed, healed and maybe even shared.

Music & Dance

Photo by Ardian Lumi on Unsplash

Depending on what form of movement you do, music might play a huge role in that process. I can do yoga without music, and — as mentioned earlier — I can dance without music. However, the majority of the time I always have music in the background while dancing. The combination of dance and music has immense possibilities when it comes to enhancing your experience.

I find that music greatly elevates and informs my movement sequences. The more I dance, the more I see dance becoming a way to express — not only my own soul — but the music itself. You can usually tell the attitude embedded in a song by the way someone dances. This has been my experience.

A year ago I listened to a playlist that had a few songs on it. Spotify has this feature where — upon ending — the playlist will continue to play with similar songs you were listening to. Anyway, songs popped up that I had never heard before and the vibe totally changed. With each song my movement changed. In the course of that hour, I progressed deeper into the scale of my being. I experienced → primal movements → fun and light energy → seductress energy→ rest and relaxation. It was such a treat!

The differences were very much felt. I eventually stopped dancing and went into deep relaxation. Even though the playlist carried on, it was as if my body instinctively knew when to stop. The very last song I danced to was a sort of winding-down song. I remember resting on my bed asking, “Is there more that wants to come through? Is the dance over?”. As the next song played, my body was still and calm and I knew that I was indeed done. The journey had come to an end. That, to me, was a glimpse from Source of the power music has to inform and influence movement.

Music transports my dance deeper than I could ever imagine. Of course, this all depends on what type of music you’re listening to.

Musical Instruments

If your creative outlet is playing an instrument, then your experience might be different in the way it plays out. I have an instrument that I play, and though I’m not really good at it, I find that it definitely enhances my desire to learn. I can play for hours even if I mess up. I’m not at all versed in the art of reading and playing notes. If anything, I just listen to how it sounds like and what fits. So far that process has served me well. I do feel like playing an instrument sparks my creativity, and definitely connects me to my inner child.

What about you?

What relationship do you have with music and how does it affect you in your creations? Does it enhance or inhibit your ability to create?

Do you tend to listen to music when you’re creating a work of art? Or are you the type who ‘works’ better in silence?

If you are the type who does listen to music, then what music inspires you? What type of music gets your creative juices flowing?

Whether you listen to music while you create or as a way to relax or have fun, I think we can all agree that music has the power to bring us into deeper states of consciousness if we’re open to it. It’s a universal language that we all can tap into and utilize in ways that serve us as well as our communities at large.



Muse Me

Writer, Dancer, Nature Lover, Book Worm. Instagram: chantie_enchanted