Where Heaven Meets The Earth

Ida Kristiansen Balle
Muse Me
Published in
1 min readAug 1, 2021

A Poem by Ida K. Balle

Digital artwork of a woman inside a flower. She is wearing a white and blue dress, and looks a bit like a fairy.
Digital Artwork by Ida K. Balle — Ida’s Poetic Universe

I’m floating
On the pink horizon
A shooting star
Dissolving into molecules
As magical dust
Floating like pollen
In the sky
Spiraling seeds
Descending to the ground

Wet and moist
I feel a river
Running inside
The point of new return
As my feet kiss the earth
Different parts of me
As a fairy
I rise up
From a flower
In rebirth

The magical creature
Dancing between
The pages of a book
On the shelf
Inside my heart
I can touch it
The creative spark
As a candle light
I become visible
In the silent woods
In the dark

I now sit
Upon the throne
Of my heart
A story
Is brought to life
My soul fragments
Shining in my eyes
Bursting out
Upon the canvas
As scenes on a theatre stage
I watch my creative powers
Coming alive
As heaven
Meets the earth
I am birthed into life



Ida Kristiansen Balle
Muse Me
Writer for

I am Ida, a poetic soul. I write poetry and essays. I am a movie maker, and photographer and I love to create digtal artwork. I love nature. @Idaspoeticuniverse