We surpassed our Revenue Target : The Q4 2017 Report from MuseFind

$550K in revenue in 2017

Surpassing our annual revenue goal by 10% before the year-end.

Our Focus

For the last two years, we’ve performed and launched our full-service management platform that’s helped our brands discover, manage and measure their influencer campaigns.

With 2018 around the corner, we are moving towards automation which means we will be focused on: Influencer attribution (direct ROI in sales) and influencer CRM.

This is an exciting evolution for us and one that is timed well as the influencer economy is set to boom in 2018 and beyond.

KPIs & Highlights

We launched our Social Media 2018 Trends and Tips webinar. It had an attendance rate of 50%.

Notable brands and friendswho signed up were:

  • Chinese Laundry
  • Daily Hive
  • Premama
  • Hot Soup Marketing team
  • Intelligentsia Coffee
  • Gerber Children’s Wear

Want a replay? Watch it here!


Goodbye to 2017 and upwards and onwards to 2018!


Team MuseFind

Want to learn more on how we’re changing Influencer Marketing world? Visit our MuseFind website.



Jennifer Yemu Li Chiang
MuseFind — Company Chronicles

CEO @MuseFind: The simplest way to start or scale influencer marketing | Forbes | MIT Accelerate Judge | Social Media Week | NYFW Official Sponsor