My Monster! (Part Two)

What Have I Done?

Erica Neve


Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

Hello, people of Medium! It’s me, Erica! I’m twelve years old and I LOVE to write! I’m here with Part Two of my Monster story! I felt like it was going to be too much of a copy of the book Frankenstein with the way my story was going so I hope I’ve now given it quite the dramatic twist …

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My life flashed before my eyes as I ran from the ghoulish beast. The one I had created. The one I wish would disappear …

“Oh, what have I done?”

I thought to myself still running down the ruby red carpet. I accidentally knocked over an ornate vase where half a dozen golden tulips lived, now scattered on the floor.

“I could fix it tomorrow … ”

If I made it out alive tomorrow!


I thought.

“Go, go, go!”

The monster ran as if it were a gorilla using its long, inhuman arms to support its yellow-skinned body. Where was I going? I have no clue. Just running for my life … but then disaster struck. I tripped over what I believed to be a stool and the monster caught up with me. I screamed in fear as it lifted me with its muscular arms and the next thing I knew I was sleeping. Laying in my eternal rest …

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Got the shivers? Mouth wide open with shock? If so I have successfully written Part Two! Now don’t get upset, this isn’t the last Part. There is lots more to come, I’m just finding a way to continue …🤔

Have a wonderful day or night!!




Erica Neve

Hello,I'm Erica (thought to be the youngest writer on Medium) and really like writing short stories and poems and my favourite books are the Hunger Games!