The Lost Infatuation

A Poem on Short-Lived Love

Yusuf Ali
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2024


Photo by Joshua Earle on Unsplash

In the endless ride of life,
You returned to my gaze out of nowhere,
Tried again to pierce my heart with that knife.
Surprised at myself that now I don’t care.

I hoped that the lost infatuation would ignite again,
I remember the endless nights of dreaming about you.
I don’t even have to lie and pretend,
I have moved on and forgotten you.

The magic that drove me crazy,
Is long gone and couldn’t be found.
Maybe my heart has gone a little lazy.
It didn’t want to keep you around.

I have grown out of your love,
I am happy where I am at right now.
The infatuation was just a phase.
I refuse to return to that route.

The lost infatuation is the only fact,
I desire to acknowledge.
You can come back to my life or be gone,
My stance will still be the same
That I will not abolish.



Yusuf Ali

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