The Oath of a Knight

A Poem of a Modern-day Knight, his Oath & Love

Yusuf Ali
Published in
2 min readMay 5, 2024


Photo by Nik Shuliahin 💛💙 on Unsplash

The law says I am a free man,
But I feel the shackles on these hands.
I don’t even know when the sentence began,
This will be hard for you to understand.

The invisible barriers are holding me down,
Your words echo in my mind with each sound.
The obligations keep making me pay a price,
It doesn’t even consider my heart’s cries.

O, My Lady, we may be in different times,
But you are still the Princess, and I am the knight.
I made an oath to serve your realm,
I can’t give in to the temptations and care for myself.

You demanded me to be honest and express,
But our union will bring the realm more stress.
I love you the most after the woman,
Who bore me in her womb.
I will still love and cherish you.
Till this realm reaches its doom.

O, My Lady, we may not have any fancy titles,
But we live in a realm where class and



Yusuf Ali

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