Bureaucratic Radicals 3: POLICY SCHMOLICY

Paul Bowers
Museum Musings
Published in
1 min readJun 6, 2019

After some #museumnext twitter debate, summarised neatly as whether you want to have more or fewer policies, how all the ‘cool kids’ want to get rid of policies,and of course Museumnext trends towards the cool kids…

I’m reflecting on how our risk / change / continuity appetite shapes our perception of ourselves and each other — and how this may hinder the work. Inspired by the thread below, and reflecting on what i learned from Jeanne Liedtka, i made a scruffy little graphic about the people at the extremities of ‘loving/hating policies’ (for which read risk or change appetite, whatever) and how we can work more effectively and bring the strengths of each to bear.

I know it’s reductive but it was a fun half hour and may prove helpful for someone. An aide-memoir for me too; how do i select the best language to achieve the best outcome for this situation, here, now, with this person?

Credit to thoughtprompting to many including the #MuseumNext community and the thread below started by Regan Forrest subsequently including Katrina Nitschke, Michael Harvey, suse anderson and Seb Chan

