The Role Social Media Should Play in Your Digital Marketing Strategy as a Musician

David Andrew Wiebe
Music Business Training
4 min readMay 1, 2019
The Role Social Media Should Play in Your Digital Marketing Strategy as a Musician

The good, bad and ugly of social media is a topic that’s been getting quite a bit of attention lately.
Now, social media has its place. Nothing is inherently good or bad.
But we also know how much of a productivity killer it can be. We also know it’s addicting.
So, using social media the right way will make a difference to you, your career and your life.
What role should social media be playing in your digital marketing strategy? Read on to find out.

Social Media Is Not A Relationship Building Tool

That’s a bit of a controversial header, so let me explain.
I think it’s entirely possible to build the beginnings of a relationship on social media. I’ve booked some podcast interviews that way. But you should take it to the next level as soon as possible.
It doesn’t matter whether it’s a phone call, Skype chat or in-person meeting (chat apps are okay but not the best). Meaningful conversations happen one on one.
Treating social media as a relationship building tool leaves us lonely, isolated and unfulfilled in life. Do we need to look much further than current news headlines to know this is true?
So, yes, use social media to interact and engage. And, if you must, use it to reach out to the people you’re interested in connecting with. But do not depend on it for your social needs.
We’re all human and we all need people around us to support us on our journey.

Social Media Is Not A Container For Your Best Content

Setting up home on someone else’s land and hoping for the best is unwise.
It’s called digital sharecropping, and the consequences are often dire.
But musicians do it all the time. They put their best videos on Facebook and YouTube. They tell people to follow them on Instagram when they don’t have a website.
Don’t hand over your best content to social media sites. For the sake of all involved, put it somewhere where you can easily back it up and present it however you want.
In case you hadn’t guessed, that’s going to be on your own website.
You can still share and post to social media. That’s what it’s there for. But do it the smart way.

Social Media Is A Traffic Building Tool

This point goes hand in hand with the last.
A smart musician should be well-acquainted with the idea of sampling.
I’m not talking about taking a slice of someone else’s music and looping it in your track. I’m talking about giving people a taste of what you’re about, so they’re compelled to take a next step with you.
Although you can give your best content away, perhaps you should do it on your own terms (i.e. on your website), preferably in exchange for an email address.
On social media, why not give people a taste of your art and make it so compelling that they’re inclined to follow you back to your website?
Here are a few ideas to get those creative juices flowing:
Post one-minute samples of your music on SoundCloud and then prompt your listeners with a message like, “if you’d like to hear more music like this, go to our website at…”
Share one-minute videos on Facebook and YouTube, again prompting your viewers to visit your website if they want more.
Post a compelling snippet to your latest blog post on Twitter and provide a link readers can click on to read it in full.

Final Thoughts

Social media is great. Let’s just be smart, calculated and shrewd in how we use it.
It will play an important role in your digital marketing, but it won’t do all the heavy lifting for you.
Since people are living both physical and digital lives, it’s important that we meet them where they are. Not being on social media is as good as missing out on 50% of opportunities.
But don’t let it become a time waster and productivity killer. Be in control of your social media use. Don’t allow it to take over your life.



David Andrew Wiebe
Music Business Training

Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.