Want to test drive my new course?

Want to test drive my new course?

I’ve shared a little bit about the Entrepreneurial Essentials for Musicians Masterclass in a previous blog post.

This course covers the mindset necessary to creating the life you love through music.

It’s NOT about:

It’s about engaging in and loving your passion.

This course is ready for your consumption.

But before I launch it to a wider audience, I wanted 10 people to take it for a test drive, entirely for FREE.

Here’s what you need to know.

The Rules:

  • You’ll get access to the course for free, for three days.
  • Your mission will be to look over at least five lessons, including one bonus lesson (the bonus lessons are clearly marked). You are welcome to take in the entire course if you wish.
  • Finally, you must provide a one-paragraph testimonial about the course.

Here’s an example of a testimonial (this one is for my book):

Apply Now

  • Compose a new email.
  • In the subject line, put “EEMM Course Test Drive” (if you fail to do this, your application will be overlooked).
  • Address the email to david@dawcast.com.

The first 10 people who successfully apply will be given the chance to test drive the new course for three days.

Get your FREE weekly action plan and grow your music career NOW.


Originally published at https://www.musicentrepreneurhq.com on October 23, 2020.



David Andrew Wiebe
Music Business Training

Empowering independent artists to share their passion, build devoted fan bases, and turn creativity into income.