Ascending to the Stars as One with Greta Van Fleet

baylie Sutton
Music & Culture IRL
11 min readMay 8, 2022

For centuries, music has managed to reveal different beliefs, practices, ideas, issues, and truths. While we live in a world with differing lifestyles and even languages, music is the language that unites people across the globe and speaks to individuals’ souls in a way that all can understand. As time has passed in our world’s history, music has changed from a more ritualistic, meaningful style to be a style focused on entertainment in today’s modern world. However, despite this change, there are still musicians managing to spark something within the masses that is capable of changing a person’s life as well as the world. Greta Van Fleet is an emerging band with a goal to unite the world through peace, love, and unity. This band of brothers, Josh Kiszka (vocals), Jake Kiszka (guitar), Samuel Kiszka (bass), and childhood friend Danny Wagner (drums), was founded in the mystical Christmas town of Frankenmuth, Michigan with a population of about 5,000 people. Growing up mesmerized by old records from their music- loving father, they were exposed to artists such as Howlin’ Wolf, Cream, Muddy Waters, John Denver, Sam Cooke, and many more artists that seemed dedicated to concocting an inspirational sound. Just as those before them, The boys of Greta Van Fleet have designed the ultimate haven for rock and roll lovers at their live shows. If rock and roll is dead, then Greta Van Fleet have effortlessly concocted a resurrection potion. While the members of the band were raised with blues vinyls in hand, they have managed to incorporate jazz, gospel, world, and of course that electrifying sound of classic rock into their diverse music. It is simply jaw dropping to witness such talented young adults taking this world by storm with guitars in hand. As meaningful music seemingly disappears, Greta Van Fleet is here to set the record straight.

Photograph by Baylie Sutton

I had the privilege of attending two of the band’s California shows amongst the glittering streets of rock and roll’s legendary Hollywood. Fans eagerly assembled in pure anticipation and utter passion in a way I have never before witnessed. There is something to be said about the fans of Greta Van Fleet who are willing to travel cross country to accompany the boys on the entire tour. These fans are known as The Peaceful Army, and they mean business. I spoke with dedicated fans who had seen the young band 20+ times and never regretted a single penny spent. If the fans are willing to wait in line 18 hours in the scorching heat just to witness these artists from the rail for a two-hour set, they must be spreading something transcendent. While waiting amongst the excited crowd, I came across some willing to share about what this band truly means to them. Dakota Valentine stated, “Their music and message altered my life views, got methrough the hardest year of my life, and brought me the most wonderful friends a guy could ask for. They helped me love myself and the world again. They are so much more than just their music.” It seems that Greta van Fleet is not just music; it is a movement. The lights dimmed, the roar of the crowd filled every corner of the room, and the boys of Greta Van Fleet graced the stage. Josh Kiszka, who acts as the powerhouse vocalist of the band, cast white roses into the sea of fans as the band prepared for the live experience. Jake Kiszka quickly establishes his musical dominance on the guitar with his heavy and urgent riffs that sent the crowd reeling. Drummer Danny Wagner and bassist Sam Kiszka claimed the role of being the rapid and constant heartbeat of the band. This is a band of remarkable young men who understand the power within music and have mastered the live show experience. And just as the musical masterpiece was about to unravel, the words of Josh Kiszka echoed throughout the atmosphere proclaiming, “where there is love we must live on. And where there is not love, we must provide it. But for now, love is here.”

Photograph by Baylie Sutton

It was clear throughout the entire live performance that the band did not approach the stage just to play their music and give a good show. The boys of this band truly desire to spark something within their fans and transform their lives and the world we live in. They aspire to eliminate the darkness through the light found within the sound of music. Before the encore began, a fan named Haylee Eastman turned to me and said, “They are a symbol of love and light and they’ve changed my life for the better. They have given me a place in a group who aims to change the world.” The fans see this truth within the music and the band’s actions; however, the band and their loved ones see it too. In an article with Josh Kiszka from Rolling Stone Magazine, Kiszka tells of his understanding of the past and the goal to unite it with the future. He states, “This is a world with the ancient civilizations in it, just like our own parallel universe, really,” Josh says. “A magnification of different cultures and civilizations inside of this world searching for some kind of salvation or enlightenment.” Greta Van Fleet’s goal is to respect the world’s vast roots of culture and beliefs. The boys manage to do this by promoting and preserving society’s differences to educate each other and promote equality amongst all, which is very apparent amongst this group. Another fan approached me after the show, and we began to talk about this very thing. Allyson Grover relayed to me, “I am so much more open to seeing this world as something larger than me or my town or my beliefs. It is a world with different religions, practices, places, and ideas. I have never been this open to hearing people’s life stories, beliefs, and visiting places all around the world to envelope myself in their life.” Greta Van Fleet is not only making catchy music that is calling upon Rock and Roll history, but they are also making something that is inspiring people to “choose the road” as their song “My Way Soon” says.

Photograph by Baylie Sutton

If one wants to feel this level of enlightenment for themselves, all it takes is diving into the band’s discography. With two full length albums, a couple EPs, and a Grammy in their back pocket, Greta is a band with much to explore. Some of the lyrics littered within their tracks directly achieve the goal to connect to other cultures as spoken about previously. In Rolling Stone, the band describes one of the tracks on their sophomore album The Battle at Gardens Gate. The boys state, “That’s what ‘Ah Sri Rama Jayam Ram’ is about,” quoting the mantra in “Trip the Light Fantastic, Self-liberation, or this idea of letting go, or transcending.” In another song called “Moutain of the Sun” the term “Pata Pata!” is proclaimed to pay respect to the South African singer Miriam Makena. Along with lyrics that unite customs across the globe, thegroup’s lyrics also discuss the current state of society. From the song “Anthem” off of their first full-length record Anthem of the Peaceful Army, the artists state, “In all the noise facing every day, the colored world has turned into a grey, you say; and from the void, the place in which we came, can we step back and see we want the same?” These lyrics expose how humankind all came from the same “void” and we truly all are the same if we open our eyes. Greta acknowledges our differences in the same song with the lyrics, “That the world is only what the world is made of. Just you and me can agree to disagree; and the world is only what the world is made of.” Differences are okay, it is ignorant to believe that this world will have the same belief system about everything. However, an important concept the band takes out of the shadows is one that we learn as little children; to agree to disagree. Many people in the world will say that peace is impossible. Bombs, wars, politics, and lesser evils are the only way to achieve a “peaceful” society. The Anthem of the Peaceful Army challenges that with the words “a simple lyrics, can unite us all.” Music today does not seem to believe in its ability to dispel this dark veil from our society. History reflects nostalgically on revolutionary tunes such as “A Change is Gonna Come” by Sam Cooke or “Imagine” by John Lennon; but why do musicians today not give music today the same power? This movement in taking place in the background, with Greta Van Fleet leading the way. The band and their dedicated Peaceful Army are inspiring the masses as they sing and share “In an age of darkness light appears; and it wards away the ancient fears. March to the anthem of the heart. To a brand new day, a brand new start” (“Age of Man”).

“Age of Man” Anthem of the Peaceful Army (2018) by Greta Van Fleet Age of Man — Greta Van Fleet live

“Age of Man” is a prolific track by the band Greta Van Fleet that unravels the dark cloud that looms over our society and where the light for change rests. As discussed, Greta Van Fleet is known for their music that is desiring to ignite a movement and a change in the world, all while reviving rock and roll. This legendary performance at Red Rocks demonstrates the poetic lyrics the band creates that are meant to be pondered on and reflected upon. This music is not necessarily one just to be enjoyed for dancing or partying, although you of course still can, but rather one for realizing one’s true ability to promote a peaceful world in which love and understanding of differences can coexist. The live version of this track combines the two ideas discussed in this article and exposes why people travel great distances and experience a spiritual change. These people traveling across the world join Greta hand in hand to pave the path to peace through the power of music. The lyric that I experienced to be the most transcending live was “A beauty lives in every soul. The more you love, the more you know. They pass the torch, and it still burns. Once children then, it’s now our turn.” We all have the ability to embody and claim the power within this song and be a part of “a brand-new day, a brand-new start”.

“Age of Machine” The Battle at Gardens Gate (2021) by Greta Van Fleet Greta Van Fleet — Age of Machine (Live)

“Age of Machine” from Greta’s sophomore album is a contrast to “Age of Man”. While the first track explains the age we are in that allows us to make a change and create a society of peace, love, and unity, “Age of Machine” discusses how machines and virtual reality are a plague to society. The band of course acknowledges that the evolution of technology can be a tool used for good; but it also can cloud our perception and be a greater evil. The track discusses how machines and evolving technologies disconnect humanity from one another, nature, and the more enlightened things of the Earth. The lyrics proclaim, “God machine. Malfunctioned as it grew. And the circuits blew. Falling down on you. Now you are free. Unplugged from the source. No more underscores. Open up the doors.” Greta Van Fleet is a band combating not only the injustice and evil looming within humankind, but also technology. The band then extends the invitation to listeners to wake up from this façade of what social media and machine paint reality to be and invites them to free themselves and experience life.

This barefoot band of brothers will continue to be found testifying to the world with messages of serenity, equality, and togetherness that this current music scene is in desperate need of. Undoubtably these young musicians will quite possibly go down in history as the band that revived a lost sound and created a ripple effect that could bring rock and roll back to the forefront. Decorated in flamboyant and vintage clothing, the band is equally as loud, energetic, and youthful as it gets. They have already accomplished a double EP, two full-length albums, songs involved in TV and film, various tours in both the U.S. and overseas, and much more. The reign of this band is far from over. A bright future is in store with an equally bright fanbase that is concerned with discussing the issues our society is facing. With an album on the way, a 2022 tour on the horizon, and charity opportunities being planned around this band, all are beginning to hear about Greta Van Fleet and experience the language of music. Many more bands are sprouting every day out of this message and being inspired by these messages that all is capable. Our planet needs rock and roll that can change the world. Our planet needs Greta Van Fleet.

I have been a fan of Greta Van Fleet for 5 years now and have experienced a momentous change in myself ever since. At first, their addictive riffs and rock and roll glow was what drew me in. However shortly after, I began to see myself as one who cared more about the planet, the people, and the purpose of why we are all here. I have experienced endless hardships in these past few years of my life and genuinely do not believe I could see light at the end of the tunnel if it were not for this band proclaiming our society and us Individually are all capable of rising from the ashes and using our trials and perspectives for good. We need musicians who care about the planet, who care about caring for each other, and have a vision for what music can do for the world and the human experience. “The music for the masses is one that proclaims peace, love and understanding amongst the masses.”

  • “Age of Machine (Live)”. Youtube, Uploaded by Greta Van Fleet. 19 January, 2019.
  • “Age of Man- Greta Van Fleet Live”, Uploaded by Macleiton. 23 February 2021.
  • Eastman, Haylee. Interview. By Baylie Sutton. 31 March 2022.
  • Ehrlich, Brenna. “Cosmic Dancers.” Rolling Stone, no. 1347, Jan. 2021, pp. 11–13. EBSCOhost, Accessed data 13 April, 2022.
  • Glover, Allyson. Interview. By Baylie Sutton. 31 March, 2022.
  • Greta Van Fleet, “Age of Man” Anthem of the Peaceful Army. 2018.
  • Greta Van Fleet, “Anthem” Anthem of the Peaceful Army, 2018.
  • Valentine, Dakota. Interview. By Baylie Sutton. 31 March, 2022.

