The Land of the “Free”

Leah Marie Thompson
Music & Culture IRL
8 min readDec 13, 2022

Often when hearing the words “freedom of speech,” the first thing that comes to mind is the United States of America, the First Amendment written into the Bill of the Rights. The very same right is given to each citizen of the United States. However, the freedom of it is not one given to all people of the world. Many countries, for example Zambia, have suffered significantly with the lack of freedom of speech. Not only the Zambian people, but especially the Zambian women. In a protest to this issue, Zambian women have begun using music as a personal form of expression. This form of expression is their freedom of speech. Music is such an essential form of freedom of expression that is limited in censorship. A court trial took place to determine whether certain music should be censored. The less recognized rappers are yet another example of a minority being stripped of their freedom of speech. In this court trial, the less recognized rapper was being criticized for his lyrics, while higher rank rappers, like Eminem, continue to be freely allowed to say whatever they please, without repercussions. Even though music is used as an outlet of expression, it is also subjected to censorship.

Freedom of expression not only comprises actual speech, but it also the freedom of religion, the freedom of press, the freedom of assembly, and the freedom to petition the government (Bill of Rights). These are all freedoms that the government says they will not censor. Although, the government does not actually state anything that they will censor. Does this mean citizens of America can express themselves as they please without repercussions? Contrary to popular belief, this is not the truth. In an encyclopedia of American law, there are many examples of freedom of speech taking place. The freedom of petition (Doctrine on Freedoms of Assembly and Petition) and assembly not only consists of marches and gatherings, but the ability to take harm upon oneself. As a citizen of the United States of America, harm can be inflicted upon oneself to make one’s point stronger and more serious. As to all laws and rules applied to life, they all have their limits. The government can take action in limiting the freedom of speech if it becomes threatening or dangerous to the community. In addition, the common person must also take into account that not only the government, but also any organization that one participates in, may limit one’s freedom of speech. Schools, social media platforms, and privately owned companies can limit the freedom of speech. Not much is limited except for speech that appears to be dangerous or threatening to one or more people.

Not all forms of freedom of speech are positive or beneficial to society. The freedom of speech can have negative effects, such as bullying or beginning conflicts with other people. Bullying is a form of speech that most would hope to censor. However, the First Amendment protects this right and continues the bullying cycle.

Photo by Chris Henry on Unsplash

While not all forms of freedom of speech are positive or beneficial, certain forms of freedom of speech are absolutely necessary to the evolution of society. Freedom of speech is a form of checks and balances that keeps the government from becoming too powerful or too corrupt. We the people are able to protest the law and make the government hear the public’s voice. Freedom of speech allows each person to create and be unique individuals. The freedom of speech is a gift that needs to be protected.

The world, and specifically the United States of America is filled with so much contention and hatred among different groups. So much hatred fills this country that it has become divided all on its own. Many users are censored on Instagram and other social media platforms, just because they are not well liked by other users. No matter how disliked a user may be, every user has the right to be active on social media as long as they are not threatening to others. Religions and other organizations want to censor the speech of alternative organization groups, simply because they do not agree with one another. The ability to vote is another form of freedom of speech. Minorities and underprivileged people are essentially censored when it comes to utilizing democracy. The minorities are not seen and are not heard, which is taking away their freedom of speech. Freedom of speech has begun to be more and more censored, simply because opposing viewpoints among the people exist. This is not a practice Americans should be encouraging. We the people should be protecting freedom of speech and growing the limits of freedom.

Photo by Chase Fade on Unsplash

The freedom of speech needs to be expanded, considering it is so limited among minority groups and those who are underrepresented and lack privileges. The government is only hearing the voice of the majority or the people that have the ability to voice their needs and opinions. To expand the freedom of speech, the censorship of online users needs to end, unless the users are being dangerous or threatening to other users. This can only be done by communicating with the owners of the media platforms themselves. Another way to expand freedom of speech is to create a larger house of representatives. The House of Representatives needs to not only contain representatives of populated areas, but contain representatives of specific minority groups and groups with limited resources. Special representatives can speak for people from areas of poverty who have little to no education on the elections themselves. Special representatives need to be put in place for minority groups in each state, no matter the population or size of the groups. Expanding the freedom of speech will create a stronger, more represented country that everyone can proudly call “the Land of the Free.”

Songs for Freedom

“Impeach the President” by Immortal Technique

In “Impeach the President”, Immortal Technique utilizes their freedom of speech to speak about the hatred they have for the president at the time, President Bush. In the song, Immortal Technique speaks about how the First Amendment is being violated by the President, bringing religion into politics. “Well I’m first, we can start with the church. You’re politicizing religion, you and your father’s the worst.” These lyrics are important as the artist is discussing serious issues — freedom of expression and freedom of religion are being violated by the very person that is supposed to protect our rights. Freedom of speech is being put on the back burner by our leaders.

“Mathematics” by Mos Def

Mos Def utilizes actual statistics to talk about issues with the United States themselves. Mos Def specifically talks about issues with Black America and how many African Americans are not treated with the same respect and rights as other Americans. “A five minute sentence hearing and you’re no longer free.” The author is talking about how African Americans do not have the same or an equal freedom of speech that the rest of Americans have. Def tells the story of how African Americans are sent to jail “in a five minute sentence hearing” and they do not have a chance or equal opportunity to defend themselves.

“The Proud” by Talib Kweli

Talib Kweli is a powerful rap artist who uses his music as his voice to express what he is passionate about. In his song “The Proud,” Kweli uses his freedom of speech to convey issues with police brutality and African Americans. “And put Islamic terrorist bombing on the front page, It’s like sayin’ only gays get AIDS propaganda.” What Kweli is saying is that the government is obsessing over one bad issue when there are many more occurring all throughout the country. Kweli is making it known that our country is rampant with evil that only the government can fix.

“Ignorance is Bliss” by Kendrick Lamar

Kendrick Lamar uses his music to make issues in the community known. His music is his voice. In this song for example, Kendrick Lamar is speaking about the violence in his community. “No sympathy, ain’t no love when you in these streets, just get something. Protect your neck ’cause they coming for sets, respect, split your onion.” Kendrick Lamar is using this song to bring awareness to the violence in the community. Lamar speaks of the fact that there is no chance to negotiate or save yourself, violence is all that occurs.

“Words I Never Said” by Lupe Fiasco

Lupe Fiasco is using his music and lyrics to convey a concern about this issue — being silent and complying. Lupe argues that being peaceful is part of the social problem. “I think that all the silence is worse than all the violence.” Lupe Fiasco’s message is to encourage people to speak up for what they believe in and to utilize their freedom of speech. He advocates that their freedom of speech is what will help save the country.

In Closing

Freedom of Speech is one of the most important things to me. I have been censored my whole life whether it be in my own home, church and even my school. Now, I know I do not have it as bad as others across the world do. But with the little experience I have, I can use that to my advantage and empathize with them and fight for them to have freedom of speech. We can utilize the freedom of speech we do have and fight for others. By making systematic changes in our personal everyday lives, we can utilize the trickle effect. As we make personal changes, it will begin changing the community, it will begin changing the city, state, country, and world. What I mean by change is getting rid of harmful stereotypes towards other, protesting for others without a voice. Spread and raise awareness for those people and for issues that need to be heard. Accept that everyone is allowed to have an opinion, even if it is something that is hard to agree with. We are blessed here in the United States, we have freedoms and resources that those in the less fortunate countries do not. Domestically, we still struggle as some of our colored brothers and sisters are not given the same freedom to express themselves and protest for what they need. For those of you who are not censored, use your voice to help those without. We have to be their voice. We need to fight for them and give them their freedom.

