The Neglect Of Knowledge

Nathan Soden
Music & Culture IRL
9 min readMay 3, 2023
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

Politics is something that the millennial generation veers away from in today’s society. Many are wondering if it is due to the fake-news allegations, overall laziness, or simply not enough awareness around the issues in this world. As years go by, youth participation in democracy continues to dwindle. The research article “Youth and Political Change” states, “Research studies indicate that young citizens in many such countries are significantly less likely than older people to vote in elections, and they are also less likely to vote than were the youth of previous generations” (Henn). How will society get more involved? Will it have to come from voices of influential figures, musical artists, and social media, or will each generation’s participation continue to diminish? Due to the lack of care by the younger generations in recent years, the United States of America is losing its position of leadership in the world.

Photo by Jorge Franganillo on Unsplash

Throughout the last decade, fake news allegations have dramatically increased and are continuing to increase as the years go on. All of the conversations regarding “fake news” are causing many not to trust the media. “Americans who believe fake news causes a great deal of confusion, 67%” (Watson). This confusion is causing Americans to be uncertain as to whether or not what they are seeing in the media is credible. Americans are becoming lazy, and many are unwilling to put in the work to depict which news is credible and which is not. An article by CNN Business talks about Americans becoming more lazy. “They don’t start businesses as much as they once did. They don’t move as often as they used to” (Long). This overall laziness is leading to Americans not making as much effort to learn about what is going on in the world, including events in history. With the narrative of fake news and the increase in overall laziness amongst the American people comes less knowledge about politics in the world.

Influential figures in our society need to bring awareness to this issue, whether that is through music, social media, or some other platform. The author of “Political Hip Hop states, “Political hip hop exists worldwide, as hip hop is often used to express political stances and to advance political agendas” (Burnette). In recent years, the musical artist Kanye West has used his platform to bring awareness of politics to his followers. One way he is spreading awareness is through his music. Throughout his entire song “All Falls Down,” he mentions many problems occurring in American society. For example, when he states, “Cause they made us hate ourself and love they wealth,” Kanye is pointing out how the government is trying to separate the American people, and how officials in the government are corrupt and want to become wealthy. Another hip-hop artist that is known for bringing up political issues in his music is 2Pac. In his famous song “Changes,” he mentions all the separation between races that is going on in America, and he is wanting everyone to come together. “Let’s change the way we eat, let’s change the way we live, and let’s change the way we treat each other.” Both Kanye and 2Pac have two of the largest followings in the hip-hop music industry. They have used their platforms to reach millions and spread awareness on issues in America.

Social media is another way implied influential figures are trying to use their platform to raise awareness about issues going on in society. Jesse Watters, Fox News anchor and host of the show Watters World, uses his platform to talk about how unaware American millennials are about current political events. His TV show travels for a segment that asks the younger generation questions on current political events. For example, in one of his shows he asks a younger man if socialism will work or not? The guy he interviewed responded with “I think socialism could very well work for us.” Watters then follows up with another question saying, “How will taxing the rich affect the middle class?” The guy being interviewed had no response. This is one example of millions. People say, “I want something to happen in politics,” but they do not even know why they want it. Another way influential figures are using social media is to share videos of themselves or others talking about political issues. People like Ben Shapiro, Candice Owens, and Glenn Beck are all using social media to teach Americans about what is going on in the world and exposing all the corruption that is happening. They post on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube, which reaches millions of people but not enough people. According to the Washington Post, the company founded by Ben Shapiro, Daily Wire, is rivaling the woke companies. “Daily Wire says it will spend $100 million to rival Disney’s kids entertainment” (Edwards). The Daily Wire is one of many companies trying to educate children by spending millions to make books, shows, and other forms of education. People in America are starting to realize that youth are uneducated, so many are hopping on board to better fund education for students.

The younger generations are starting to deviate from politics and real world issues. Overall the younger generations have had to deal with fake news allegations, political laziness, and general lack of awareness. Influential figures need to use their platforms to educate their followers about critical information in the world. Too many people go through their day to day life without knowing what is actually going on in the world. If this bad habit continues from generation to generation, society will be blindsided by the troubles it will face.

A Playlist for Change

“All Falls Down” by Kanye West (2004)

Music video for “All Falls Down” by Kanye West

Kanye West has been recognized as one of the largest figures in the hip- hop world. In one of his most famous songs, “All Falls Down,” he sings about the corruption and power the government has. One of his verses that conveys a message about corruption among the elite is, “Cause they made us hate ourself and love they wealth.” Kanye is saying that the people with power in our country are trying to divide the middle and lower classes and maintain policies that help the rich get richer.

“Changes” by 2Pac (1998)

2Pac is recognized as one of the influential leaders in the hip-hop world due to messages in his songs. One of his most famous songs “Changes” conveys the message of wanting all races to be equal and to come together to make America a better place for everyone. He sings, “Let’s change the way we eat, let’s change the way we live, and let’s change the way we treat each other.” 2Pac had millions of followers, and he used his platform to bring awareness to issues.

“The Bigger Picture” by Lil Baby (2020)

Influential music video by Lil Baby showing the BLM movement

In recent years, Lil Baby has risen to the top of the hip-hop world, constantly reaching the top of the chart with his music. Many would argue that his song “The Bigger Picture” is one of his most important songs due to its message. Throughout the year 2020 when the Black Lives Matter Movement was highly visible, Lil Baby took it upon himself to raise awareness by using his platform to write about the racial issues in America. Lil Baby sings, “Every colored person ain’t dumb and all whites not racist. I be judging by the mind and heart, I ain’t really into faces.” Lil Baby is telling his audience not to judge a person by their skin color but by their mind and their heart.

“Good Kid” by Kendrick Lamar (2012)

Kendrick Lamar has become a staple in the hip-hop music industry, always coming out with new influential songs that reach millions of his followers. In Kendrick’s song “Good Kid,” he talks about the social issues in his community and how the education and government systems are messed up. One of his verses that conveys his message is, “When violence is the rhythm, inspired me to obtain. The silence in this room with 20’s, Xannies and ‘shrooms, Some grown-up candy, I lost it, I feel it’s nothin’ to lose. The streets sure to release the worst side of my best.” Kendrick is talking about the issues in his community and to his audience. Those that grew up in similar situations can relate to the things he is singing about. Kendrick Lamar wants the government to have better funding for government services within struggling communities.

“Georgia…Bush” Lil Wayne (2006)

In the wake of the tragic Hurricane Katrina, the government was slow in providing relief to the people most affected. The famous rapper Lil Wayne saw that there was an issue with how the president George Bush and the government handled the situation, so he made a song called “Georgia… Bush” to bring awareness to the issue. Lil Wayne believed the media was more focused on the looting that people were doing to survive. Lil Wayne sang, “Look at the bullshit we been through. Had our n****s sitting on top their roofs. Hurricane Katrina, we should’ve called it Hurricane (Georgia) Bush. Then they telling y’all lies on the news.” Lil Wayne used his large platform to reach many on issues with the government during Hurricane Katrina.

As years go by, I have noticed that more and more people stop caring as much about what is going on in the real world. People are too involved with how their social media looks, texting, and caring about how presentable they are to others. Those same people have no idea the amount of corruption and evil that is taking over not just our country, but our world. Change needs to start in our education system. As a child grows up and goes through school, they should be taught by their parents and teachers about what is going on in the real world. In today’s America, parents and teachers are failing to provide the support a child needs to develop. Many give children technology to use just to make the child happy, and so the parent does not have to deal with them. Children are not using the technology in the way that they should be, but as a coping device. To stay with the present times, children could be using technology to help get a better understanding of what is happening in the real world, but that is not the case for many. Adults are also struggling to stay in touch with the real world. Many are being tricked into believing fake information they see in the media and are too lazy to do further research on an issue to determine if the information is true. All of America needs to wake up before our great nation collapses.


  • Edwards, Jonathan. “Daily Wire to Make Conservative Kids’ Shows to Rival ‘Woke’ Disney.” The Washington Post, WP Company, 31 Mar. 2022, Accessed 15 Feb. 2023.
  • “Great Moments from Watters’ World.” YouTube, 16 May 2016, Accessed 17 Feb. 2023.
  • Henn, Matt. “Youth and Political Change.” The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior, edited by Fathali M. Moghaddam, vol. 2, SAGE Reference, 2017, pp. 917–918. Gale eBooks, Accessed 15 Feb. 2023.
  • “Kanye West — All Falls down Ft. Syleena Johnson.” YouTube, 24 Dec. 2009, Accessed 15 Feb. 2023.
  • Roth-Burnette, Jennifer L. “Political Hip Hop.” Hip Hop around the World: An Encyclopedia, edited by Melissa Ursula Dawn Goldsmith and Anthony J. Fonseca, vol. 2, Greenwood, 2019, pp. 556–563. Gale eBooks, Accessed 15 Feb. 2023.
  • They don’t start businesses as much as they once did. They don’t move as often as they used to. And they live in neighborhoods that are about as segregated as they were in the 1960s. “Lazy Americans Are Hurting the Economy.” CNNMoney, Cable News Network, Accessed 15 Feb. 2023.
  • Watson, Amy. “Topic: Fake News in the U.S.” Statista, Accessed 15 Feb. 2023.
  • “2Pac — Changes Ft. Talent.” YouTube, 5 July 2011, Accessed 17 Feb 2023.

