How the right spa music for massage boost clientele

Max David
Music For Business
Published in
6 min readApr 12, 2022

We are back to living in “precedented” times. As the restrictions imposed on us by the pandemic wane away, we are slowly going back to our old lifestyle. We now have the liberty to go out, meet new people, and savour the intimacy of a face to face conversation again. As people go back to their old ways of self-care, spaces such as gyms, spas and wellness retreats are back in business. For spas, the right spa music for massage has the potential to drive clientele and create a loyal customer base that keeps coming back for your services.

A recently conducted study shows that 65% of people looked forward to relaxing in a spa environment. Therefore, the overall ambience of the spa is the primary factor in their decision making, while the treatment they choose comes second.

Clients are known to prefer spas that engage all their five senses. The soothing melange culminates into an experience that is impossible to recreate at home through jade rollers, sheet masks and homemade wellness solutions. For instance, surveys have reported that clients had a comparatively more heightened and intense experience when all five senses are stimulated.

Harnessing the power of music for your spa

Music is an integral part of everyday life. It makes us feel our spectrum of emotions very deeply. We cannot possibly fathom the extent of just how important music is in managing our emotions. It is inherent in humans to react to music in a positive way.

For example, music activates several regions of the human brain and boosts memory, mood, and grey matter. It stimulates glands to release neurotransmitters, like dopamine and other endorphins, or the ‘happy’ hormones. Overall, it just works as a means to ‘untangle’ the mind and simplify life by giving them a method of expressing which is difficult to make sense of.

From “energy-boosting” playlists for workouts to dreamy ones that lull us to sleep, we have music for every occurrence in our daily life. Similarly, the right music for a spa makes people tune into themselves and relax better. It is, hence, instrumental in providing an all-rounded experience for clients that they can keep coming back to.

Using Wellness Music as Spa Music For Massage

Wellness music, also known as music medicine, can be classified as any music that helps you feel better just by listening to it, according to Lyz Cooper, the founder of The British Academy of Sound Therapy. It is a genre of non-lyrical background soundtrack which works on a physiological level to heal your physiological ailments.

The wellness music industry is on the precipice of a boom. Scientists are exploring newer connections between the frequencies we hear and the neurological effect they have on us, our internal organs and more. Using biofeedback, to examine pulse rate, brain waves and other vitals in a body, they are trying to understand these connections, how our body responds to them and how we can harness their power to treat specific ailments or boost the performance of a specific organ. In fact, wellness music is also speculated to have anti-ageing properties.

Our body is in constant fight-or-flight mode due to accumulated and compound stress factors. Wellness music calms us down and takes us to a space that is conscious, mindful, and aware.

Different kinds of spa music for massage

Different types of wellness music have different effects. The right spa music for massage can aid the treatment that a patron seeks, making their overall experience more wholesome. In other words, different therapies warrant different soundtracks. Picking the correct soundtrack for a particular treatment is half the work done.

Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are produced when two tones of slightly different frequencies are fed to the brain. The brain perceives them as a single frequency and the beat is processed as the difference between the two tones.

Listening to this kind of music has several positive effects. They boost life at a cellular level, decrease the impact of depression, mitigate anxiety, improve focus, boost memory and induce you into a deeper meditative state. During certain massage treatments, this might be the perfect way to get your patrons into a more relaxed state.

Tibetan Bowl Music

Tibetan bowl music is a bell that vibrates and produces a deep, rich tone when played. Predominantly used amongst Buddhist monks, it is said to have healing properties that work on the physiological level, and significantly reduce stress.

They stimulate brain waves which are associated with peaceful and calm states and are highly conducive to healing. They increase the impact of the therapy you are already taking. Tingsha or toning bells work on the same principle. In certain therapies like a deep tissue massage, a soundtrack such as this can aid in rapidly eliminating stress.

Sounds of the Nature

Natural elements are a major part of all spa therapies, and subsequently, music relating to them is as well. For example, background sounds of flowing water signify vitality, healing, compassion, harmony, and kindness. Sounds of crackling fire symbolize warmth and free-spiritedness. Sounds of breeze and wind symbolise freedom while deeper bass sounds akin to the Earth symbolize grounding and security.

The sounds of birds chirping, falling rain and leaves rustling, remind you of the miracle that life is, the diversity and harmony amongst life on Earth. Needless to say, a soundtrack like this works towards bringing your patrons to a more loosened state of mind, body and soul allowing them to accept the treatments wholly.

Hertz Music

Hertz refers to a set of frequencies that are part of sound wave therapy to induce a state of ease and harmony in the body. Predominantly used in Eastern medicine, there is a frequency to cure everything from muscle cramps to chronic diseases and even to just boost the ‘feel-good’ factor in your body. This type of spa music for massage can work in tandem with your physical treatment to heal your patrons.

Meditation Chants

There are specific sounds for chakra cleansing, activation and energising. For example, Buddhist chants, which, when incorporated into your ambience, work to heal you at a subconscious and physiological level and puts you in touch with your spiritual self.

Indian Classical Instrumental

Traditional Ayurvedic massages have used soft acoustics from classical Indian instruments such as sitar, veena, or flute playing in the background for centuries. When you combine your massage therapy with this age-old musical practice, it takes you to a creative space to enhance your perspective.

Chillout and Ambient Instrumental

The modern version of relaxation and massage music is inspired by the latest trends in Balearic lounge music, downtempo electronic music and experimental 70’s ambient music. Brian Eno, Philipp Glass, David Bowie, and Tangerine Dreams are some notable artists of this genre.

How to enhance the ‘Spa’ experience

Service-oriented industries rely on reviews and validations. In times as competitive as these, it is not enough to merely keep the client happy. You need to go above and beyond to give people an experience they will never forget. We help you achieve that standard of service by providing licensed music that fits your need. You decide the nature of the therapy, and the kind of mood you want to create and our app will give you the music that works the best for you.

With the right spa music for massage, your establishment is sure to be loved and stay at the top of all trends and rankings. Today’s millennial and Gen Z population are eager to check in on Facebook and Instagram, give reviews about places, and have the traction to create ‘buzz’ around a certain place.

Pass the vibe check, and the clients will simply keep pouring in.

