Things I Would Do with an Apple Vision Pro

Interesting Spatial Computing

Victor O. Alvarez
Music for Computing
1 min readFeb 28, 2024


Recently, Apple released the Apple Vision Pro, a Spatial Computing device in the form of a headset with a screen, speakers and sensors. I do not own an Apple Vision Pro. However, this is a list of interesting things I would do if I get to test or own one.

  • Read a BBS on the terminal. A BBS is like a web forum but read through a terminal emulator. Reading one through the Apple Vision while listening to Ambient Music would be great.
  • Watch yourself meditate through a CCTV camera.
  • Visualize global network traffic. There are multiple websites which help you visualize network traffic. These would be great on an Apple Vision.
  • Watch stocks and shares graphics.
  • Trade Crypto Currencies Interactively.
  • Monitor radio signals with an SDR. An SDR is a radio controlled through software.
  • Walk through virtual cities and forests.
  • Control an underwater robot.
  • Control a drone.
  • Compose ambient music interactively.
  • Read a dashboard.
  • Zoom in and out on Google Earth.
  • Visualize ambient music.
  • Read album booklets while listening to them.
  • Surf through a 90s cable TV signal feed. A recreation with at least 10 or 20 channels would be remarkable.
Photo by Roméo A. on Unsplash

