Learning Etude 6 Carcassi op60

Music Journey
Published in
1 min readFeb 7, 2021

I started learning this etude and thought, here you go, finally an easy etude for a change. Finally, One etude that I can study in one evening.

The thought went away when I heard a performance of it. When I learned it, I thought for myself, why somebody chooses this fingering?

There was a reason for that. When I heard the performance, it jumped what I missed. Counterpoint!

A counterpoint is several musical lines (voices), each has its melodic contour. I see it as several train rails that cross each other or sometimes merge and then separate.

Photo by Antoine Beauvillain on Unsplash

I saw the different melodies. But in my interpretation they didn’t overlap. The melody shifted from one to another. If you hold the notes it will start to overlap and to merge.

When you play it. You can’t ignore it. You have to hold the note after you played it to the end of the bar. That makes it a little bit harder. When I say a little, I mean a lot. But it gives a nice sound and it teaches how to play two melodies on a single guitar.

