One of the happiest times of my life

My daughter’s wedding and homecoming to my pets

Jan Rose
Music, Love and other Musings 


For some people the happiest day of their life may be their own wedding day but for me it was the birth of my daughter on 31 March (year withheld). As for the happiest time in my life, this was February 2010 when my daughter married her long time sweetheart whom she met during the first year of their University degree studies. They had a long courtship and became engaged in 2008 when my daughter received a surprise marriage proposal and was presented with the diamond ring she had earlier hinted she would like to have for an engagement.

My daughter’s Wedding Day, February 2010

Although my romantic son in law did not share with me his plan to ask my daughter to marry him, when she told me the diamond ring that she had spied in a jewelry store in Sydney had been sold, somehow I knew (call it mother’s intuition) that her wonderful man had taken the hint and bought it for her. This was confirmed the night she called to tell me the happy news of their engagement and that she was presented with that “diamond ring”.

The ceremony took place in northern New South Wales and I journeyed by plane from Adelaide to Sydney and then by hire car with my sister and brother in law to the wedding location. I left my pets in the care of the Royal Society of Protection and Care of Animals (RSPCA) boarding kennels and cattery and this was the last time I ever did as I have not traveled anywhere far from home since that time.

After the wedding celebrations concluded and it was time to go home I left the married couple (they deferred their honeymoon in Japan to a month later)and felt sad as they live in another State and I don’t see then very often other than on Skype calls. My mood changed to joyful again when I arrived back in Adelaide and to the RSPCA to collect my pets, Cherry, Lily and Jaz and the pussycats. The dogs were always excited and happy to see me again but of course the cats did not care either way, they are much more independent than canines.

We all should endeavor to live in the present as we never really know at the time when that is our happiest time of life; two years later my beloved Jaz passed suddenly at only seven years and eight months of age and this year my precious Lily passed suddenly also. I still have beautiful Cherry and those pussycats to keep me company and a lovely Cavalier KC named Phoebe who came to live with us nine months ago. In two days my daughter and son in law will be here to stay for a few days over the festive season and life will be extra special again.



Jan Rose
Music, Love and other Musings 

I have a Bachelor of Business degree and a Master of IT. I am a writer. Author of My Jasmime Rose and Angelina Grey and the Journey through Time and Space