Music Mogul Closed Beta — Everything you need to know going in

Tyranno Studios
Music Mogul
Published in
4 min readMar 1, 2023

We are pleased to announce that the Closed Beta phase for Music Mogul is now live for players to come in and try out Music Mogul.

To play Music Mogul just go to and log in with your WAX Cloud Wallet and see how Shopping, Performing, Recording, and Streaming Competitions all work.

What will you see upon entering? Your artist NFTs should all be ready to be deployed into various Performances or into a Recording Rooms to cut a track.

You can also go into the Store and do a lot of spending. How is this shopping spree possible you say? We are going to seed your account with way too much currency so you can get a total feel for how everything works. We are also considering granting you more and more currency every single day you login just in case you run out. You should not be hurting for any tokens during this phase, but if you are we can always pump the amounts up.

The costs and rewards are not finalized and don’t reflect our launch economy numbers. We thought it more important to be able to come into the game and see how the interface works and understand the way the component pieces all fit together.

There are other placeholder items. Right now, Performing is basically unrestricted by genre. At launch there will be strategic limitations around which artists can take on which Performances.

Also in the final version you can pile up to 50 artists (if they qualify) in each Performance. This will allow us to accommodate as many as 600 artist NFTs at once if you play your cards right to collect the proper assets. For this test you will be limited to one artist per Performance.

The future state of Performing will look something like this:

Upgrading Crew Members is not in this beta. Perfecting it is going to take a level of effort that would delay our commercial launch, which we do not want. Watch this space for updates on Crew upgrading.

On Tokenomics, we are going to go with a token pool on both Performing and Streaming. There will be hard caps in place. Those amounts on day 1 are still in discussion. These caps will potentially grow over time as more and more players and NFTs come into the ecosystem. We are striving to ensure there is an equilibrium on Day 1.

There are some things to be mindful of. Sorting currently is very broken. Sometimes when you go to record a track you may not see an Artist that does show up in your Label roster. There are other clean up duties we are addressing and will continue to do so throughout. It’s a process so we ask for your continued patience and understanding.

There are also some delayed behaviors tied to Recording a track. To be clear, Recording Rooms are a one time use only. On occasion you will see a cool down timer. This is not correct. Also, once you deploy crews into a Recording Room, for some unusual reason they are not freed back up to use for around 5 to 10 minutes. We are working on fixing this as well.

We want you guys to share your feedback with us in Discord, especially about UI, bugs, and other observations that you might have. We are better off with your perspectives.

If you get a message like this (screenshot posted below), don’t be alarmed. Just close it and keep trying. These are some of the rough spots/polish we are working on. You may encounter this when you venture into the Streaming tab. Do not be alarmed.

So how long will this be open for you to try things out? I think this will be a fairly open ended test. The more feedback we get from you the better the product will be.

We did hit a snag on the tech stack on our way to going live. A little refactoring to mirror our current instances is required. I hope to have a live date soon. We are as anxious to launch this as you are.

As always we encourage you to head over to our Music Mogul Discord channel and discuss your experience with your fellow Moguls!



Tyranno Studios
Music Mogul

Premier Web3 gaming studio of uncompromising vision and unrivaled experience, focused on disrupting industry paradigms. Play. Rule. Reign.