Music Mogul October Development Update

Tyranno Studios
Music Mogul


Here is a quick update for the community on where we are with the development of Tyranno Studios’ latest Web3 play-and-own game Music Mogul and what our updated target launch window is.

The Alpha milestone was completed on September 29. Although that was three weeks behind the original schedule, it’s not uncommon in game development.

Keep in mind, the four team members who lead game development and publishing functions here at Tyranno have a collective 100 years of experience working with just about every major game publisher in the world and have rarely ever seen a game that wasn’t late on its alpha milestone date.

As we move forward, development will now focus on balancing the game economy and polishing features and presentation. There are two more milestones (BETA and Launch Build) which should take about six weeks in total, so we are now looking at a launch window of mid-late November.

Our goal is to develop the best game possible for you to enjoy, so we would much rather push our dates than deliver a half-baked product. We promise, it will all be worth it in the end.

As always, if you have questions or comments, join the conversation on Discord. We look forward to hearing from you, Moguls!



Tyranno Studios
Music Mogul

Premier Web3 gaming studio of uncompromising vision and unrivaled experience, focused on disrupting industry paradigms. Play. Rule. Reign.