Music Mogul Performing — How It Works

Tyranno Studios
Music Mogul
Published in
3 min readFeb 14, 2023

The road to launching this game has included many twists and turns. Some of them are well documented and others not so much. Today we want to shed some light on some important updates and decisions we have made with regard to “Performing.”

The initial setup had five tours, one of each rarity (C/U/R/E/L). Meaning as long as you had one of each type of Artist, you could have a full set of Artists gigging and generate some “Cred”, one of our two in-game fungible tokens, C-Notes being the other.

We were going to have a setup where players would have to buy additional touring slots to accommodate more than five performances at once. Whether those slots were permanent or a one-time use mattered little as we just assumed most players would multi-account this game.

But to be honest, that is a terrible idea. No one wants to multi-account across twenty wallets with 5 artists each if they owned 100 NFTs, which we have observed that most of you do.

Instead of allowing rampant multi-accounting or selling you more slots to “Perform”, we have decided to allow players to stack multiple artists into one touring opportunity limited by genre. The final number of simultaneous “Performances” you can run at once is TBD, but suffice it to say, it will be a whole lot more than five.

To Perform, you will need C-Notes, which are earned from the weekly Streaming competition. But don’t worry we will seed your account with C-Notes so you can begin touring immediately. We will grant you a certain amount to get started, but you will need to maintain a minimum C-Note balance as we don’t want this to be an incentive for players to log in and dump the tokens we give them to get going.

Here is a sample UI. This artwork is a WiP, but you will clearly see the cost to Perform and Genre limit (note this performance can be Country or Rock), and the reward gained over the duration of the tour itself.

First, you will want to select which gig you want to take. You do this by clicking on the “+” sign to add an artist(s) to the set. Once you click the plus sign to add an Artist, a roster from your inventory will be on display for you to select.

When you are done (the the timer has run out) you simply click “Claim” to get your reward.

It is easy to keep track of your earned currencies in the HuD.

We will continue to lay out how things work from within the game in the coming days and weeks ahead. As always, we encourage you to head over to our Discord channel and discuss this subject and more with your fellow Music Moguls.

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Tyranno Studios
Music Mogul

Premier Web3 gaming studio of uncompromising vision and unrivaled experience, focused on disrupting industry paradigms. Play. Rule. Reign.