Mint your Music 🖼🧑‍🎤 cXc Music NFT Standard on WAX

Mint your music NFTs on WAX Blockchain

cXc Music
Music on Chain
6 min readAug 30, 2023


The cXc Music NFT Standard provides a schema for creating Music NFTs on the WAX blockchain. Created by, this open source standard works seamlessly with platforms like Atomichub and Neftyblocks to make minting Music NFTs easy for any individual, collection, or application.

Your finished music NFT can be played right from the marketplace, with the audio stored on IPFS

The key benefits of using the cXc Music NFT Standard include:

  • Forward compatibility with Geographic Data — Built to integrate smoothly with and any future geo-aware application.
  • Revenue opportunities — Provides fields for linking to streaming platforms to help artists, in addition to web3 income.
  • Full credits + License — Allows listing contributors to the music, and declaring licenses

By following this schema, Music NFT creators can maximize their compatibility with existing platforms while retaining flexibility to customize for their specific needs. The standard aims to evolve over time through contributions from the WAX community.

This blog post will provide a full overview of the cXc Music NFT Standard, including technical details, instructions for use, and examples of how to modify the schema for custom projects.

About the Standard

The cXc Music NFT Standard was created by to provide a universal schema for generating music NFTs on the WAX blockchain. This standard exists as a defined category within the Atomic Assets NFT standard on the Atomic Assets contract.

By utilizing this schema, any individual, collection, or application can create their own music NFT projects on platforms like Atomichub and Neftyblocks.

The standard allows creators to make the needed `schema` (called `category` on the new Atomichub website) for music NFTs quickly and efficiently. Creators are encouraged to use and modify the standard for any purpose in line with the open source MIT license.

Technical Summary

The cXc Music NFT Standard utilizes the following technical structure:

  • Media fields like images, audio, and video are stored using IPFS hashes. Images can also be uploaded directly through Atomichub.
  • Information fields like title, artist, album, etc. are stored as strings (except for the track number which is an integer).
  • Geographic fields for country, locale, and geotag follow standard formats:
  • ISO 3166–1 alpha-3 3-letter codes for country
  • Locale as “City, State, County”
  • Geotag as GeoJSON point string or coordinate array
  • The rarity field allows setting a rarity attribute (Common, Uncommon, Rare etc) that is filterable on marketplaces like Atomichub.
  • The license field allows declaring a license like Creative Commons or specifying privileges granted with the NFT.

This structure provides maximum compatibility with existing platforms while allowing for additional customization as needed.

The full list of fields in the current standard is visible in the GitHub repository here.

How to Use the cXc Music NFT Standard

Using the cXc Music NFT Standard to create your own music NFT project involves three key steps:

1. Set Up a Collection

First, you need to set up your own collection on AtomicHub. Follow the marketplace’s process for registering a new collection.

For example, on AtomicHub you would:

  1. Click “View Profile” after clicking the three lines in top right
  2. Click “Collections”
  3. Click the “+ Create New Collection” button
  4. Fill out details + click “Save” at the bottom.

2. Add the Schema

Once your collection is created, you need to add the cXc Music NFT schema. There are two options:

Option 1: Manually through Atomichub — You can manually re-create the schema in your collection by adding each field one-by-one through the UI.

  1. Go to your new collections page at profile > collections > manage collection
  2. Click the “Templates” tab, then click “+ Create New Category”
This way may seem easier if you’re code-shy, but it takes more time to fill in each field and is easier to make a typo or other mistake

3. Fill in each field manually

Option 2: Paste the Code on — The easier way is to copy the schema code from the GitHub repo and paste it into the idata field when using the createschema action on Atomic Assets.

This is the “easy” way if you’re comfortable sending an action from

3. Create Templates

Use your schema to generate NFT templates in your collection. On AtomicHub, you would:

  1. From profile > collections, find your collection and click “Manage collection”
  2. Click the “Templates” tab, then click “+ Create New Template”
  3. Fill in the fields + click “Save”
Protip: Write out your data in a text editor that auto-saves, otherwise you could accidentally navigate away and lose everything! It’s not saved until it’s on blockchain 😎

Once you’ve created a template, you can mint NFTs from it anytime.

Platforms like Atomichub and Neftyblocks make it easy to generate templates from your schema without needing to code.

Go the NFTs tab and click “Create new NFT”
Select the category, fill out the fields, hit save

Modifying the Schema

The true power of the cXc Music NFT Standard comes from the ability to customize the schema for your specific needs before deploying it.

Before you change it, consider that you don’t have to fill every field when making a template or NFT. There’s also no additional ram cost per NFT or template for the fields you don’t fill out

You have full control to modify the standard schema by:

  • Adding fields — For example, you could add a field for BPM, record label, or other metadata.
  • Removing fields — If you won’t use a field, you can delete it from the schema code before deploying.
  • Changing fields — You can alter the field names or types as needed.

Some examples of customizations:

  • Separate “Main Artist” “Featured Artist” field instead of in credits
  • Multiple audio fields to store all tracks from an album (We’re releasing an Album standard next)
  • Additional metadata like musical key, BPM, length, etc.
  • Removing unused fields like Soundcloud if not needed

The standardized fields aim to provide maximum compatibility, but you can customize the schema however you like before deploying it into your collection.

Just be sure to modify it to your needs before creating templates, as adding fields later puts them at the bottom, and they can’t be removed.

Power of the Schema

While the cXc Music NFT Standard does not automatically confer any special powers, using this standardized schema provides some key practical benefits:

Forward Compatibility

Following the standard ensures your music NFTs will integrate smoothly with cXc’s upcoming music metaverse and other supporting platforms.

Built-in Revenue Opportunities

By including fields like streaming platform links, the schema creates opportunities to receive royalties or revenue share when your music is played on those platforms.

Flexible Metadata

The schema allows filling in all relevant metadata, credits, details, and more, creating a rich musical identity for each NFT.

Innovative Use Cases

Geographic data fields enable innovative location-based experiences, music discovery by region, and more.

While the standard confers no magical benefit, using it maximizes your music NFT’s forward compatibility while retaining full flexibility to customize for your needs.

Evolution of the Schema

We will continue to evolve this standard as we’ve done for years. We’re also working on new standards like the Geotemporal Metadata Standard.

To request changes or make contributions, creators can open GitHub issues and pull requests in the official repo.

Some ways community members can help evolve the standard:

  • Request new fields to add
  • Suggest changes to existing fields
  • Contribute translations for other blockchains/standards
  • Report any bugs or problems with marketplaces

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cXc Music
Music on Chain

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