Day 1: Setting up and stretching fingers.

David Chicaiza
Music production challenge
1 min readApr 15, 2019

It’s been a couple weeks since I sat down to write music. To kick off this daily music production challenge I decided to set up my equipment in way that would ease the music flow. So I borrowed my flatmates MIDI keyboard and plugged into my laptop, the rest was pretty much already in place.

Ignore the mess

My fingers weren’t so comfortable in this newly acquired keyboard, so I decided to practice with some classics: Imagine by John Lennon, Praise you by Fat Boy Slim, Feels like we only go backwards by Tame Impala, and a few more.

After an hour or so, I started to loosen up and some music ideas sparked into existence. Midnight approaching I decided to call it a night.

I look forward the music will come tomorrow.



David Chicaiza
Music production challenge

David is a software engineer living in fear he will be automated by an AI. He loves making music and creating stuff. (