Day 5–13: Getting into the flow

David Chicaiza
Music production challenge
1 min readApr 28, 2019

It’s been a while since I last posted in here. I’ve been quite focused on music making lately. I have to say that having a huge keyboard in your bedroom at all times helps a lot. Having it so available allows me to practice all the time. practice makes perfect!

Not my set up… but helps me get the point across

Last Friday I started to play around with a new chord progression: Am — C — Em — D (A minor key, and borrowed the D major some other parallel key). And from then everything started to flow, bass line, piano riff, percussion, you name it.

Here is what I got so far:

I also have some lyrics prepared. I’m going to get a friend to sing them for the song next week. stay tuned…



David Chicaiza
Music production challenge

David is a software engineer living in fear he will be automated by an AI. He loves making music and creating stuff. (