Girls power 2: Young boys` favorite. Propaganda.

What music the youth listen. Russians are very sentimental.

Andrei Kultyshev
3 min readMar 19, 2014

What really is young adult listening. What are they adoring. We are talking about boys in their early twenties, about students. Heavy metal is behind in middle school, and rock in high school, it`s a niches. What struck a cord with them en masse.

In the very beginning of 2000s it happens to be group Propaganda. Their lyrics was so intense and enticing that they instigated to do what they were singing of. They`d sang I am drawing on asphalt with chalk the word enough, and six huge letters appeared under the windows of dorms. That was the real power stuff.

They got the source of charming power. They were not attractive at all, may be even opposite, tomboy, slightly chubby girl, and the girl with r-sound speech defect, three ordinary girls. To watch their clips is a complete waste of time. And I never heard of someone who experienced romantic thoughts about them. For example for Tatu`s leader drooled every second boy at the same time.

So the magic was lyric and the magic was music. Before we start explanation. Let`s see the discography of the group. The group was long-lived one, and it had been changing all the time. First chubby one ousted tomboy and defect speech`s, then she took in two pretty dancer girls, but it hadn`t added no attractivness at all. Second, the group occured to be prolific one, and issued five or six albums the great one is only first, but it is rare, that following wasn`t complete disaster and had one or two good songs each. It might be saying that Propaganda had two periods in its art, first boy`s dreams album, and second good solid pop music albums that ensued.

Indispensable listening is first album Detki all tracks, then single songs Holodno, Dozhd po Krysham, Quanta Costa, Mari i Huan, and super energy charged girls` hymn Odni Doma.

The Propaganda is the youth itself. That`s day dreaming about all merry little things that you would do with your soulmate, boyfriend or girlfriend, you hasn`t had one yet, but you will, it is absolutely sure, then you are twenty, and the sky is blue, and the grass is green, you haven`t got to bed in time yesterday, so today it`s absolutely impossible to come to the sections, but it doesn`t matter at all, cause there are beauty and happiness in the world, somewhere, or around the corner, or frankly speaking right now.

Russians are very sentimental.

The student is a perfect human beign, he is young, strong, smart, it assumes a chunk of an arrogance, but is it a bad thing, when it is accompanied with a sense of beautiful and an earning for a fairness. So to prevent a world destruction or at least a local total destroy, as it seems from the point of view of old boring oldlings, the life of young adults is laden with admissions, attendance, finals, rooting for crimson tides and other fillings. Russian students` life is even more hard cause it include four-five peers in room accommodation, cooking for oneself, and hand washing of clothes, and also of cause the constant pressing from russian federation`s government.

But that`s the minor hiccups to feel happy, this is well illustrated in song Holodno (Cold). And there is no reason to stay home at night instead of walking around the dorm in a loud crowd.

