Photo by pixpoetry on Unsplash


Short music-themed poems, in 25 words or less


Track #14

Stories in sounds
of a writer’s loves, regrets,
losses and fears…
transporting hearers
to similar times and spaces
in their past memories
and present imaginations.

Australia’s much-loved singer songwriter/poet Paul Kelly, with a suitably Christmas feel to his song, ‘How to make gravy’ | YouTube
Songwriter Paul Kelly expands on his song set in a prison | YouTube | TEDx

🎸 This is part of a series of music-themed poems published in Music Voices. Ask me for a word to define in 25 words or less… just add a comment.

When I’m not writing, I’m reading other writing. When I’m not reading, I’m thinking about writing… I’d say that makes me a writer. (Subscribe to my newsletter and I’ll send you my words and thoughts.)



Paul Gallagher
Music Voices

Published author (Penguin Random House), writer, editor, speaker, faithful, with MS (pre-miracle). Follow my newsletter: